How One Texas Woman Finally Escaped the “Doctor Trap”

After a Botched Surgery Nearly Ended Her Life…

How One Texas Woman Finally Escaped the “Doctor Trap”

After a Botched Surgery Nearly Ended Her Life…

As I sat in my doctor’s office, her words shocked me...

"We don’t know what caused it...
why don't you Google it?"

It's the last thing any woman would want to hear from her doctor…

But it's exactly what mine said the day she somehow knew
enough to diagnose me with a disease...

…. but NOT enough to help me treat or even manage the

Maybe she’s just a bad doctor, I thought.

But I quickly discovered that it wasn’t just my doctor.

This was happening to MILLIONS of women around the U.S.

Every. Single. year. Year after year.

As I sat in my doctor’s office, her words shocked me...

"We don’t know what caused it...
why don't you Google it?"

It's the last thing any woman would want to hear from her doctor…

But it's exactly what mine said the day she somehow knew
enough to diagnose me with a disease...

…. but NOT enough to help me treat or even manage the

Maybe she’s just a bad doctor, I thought.

But I quickly discovered that it wasn’t just my doctor.

This was happening to MILLIONS of women around the U.S.

Every. Single. year. Year after year.

As I sat in my doctor’s office, her words shocked me...

"We don’t know what caused it...
why don't you Google it?"

It's the last thing any woman would want to hear from her doctor…

But it's exactly what mine said the day she somehow knew
enough to diagnose me with a disease...

…. but NOT enough to help me treat or even manage the

Maybe she’s just a bad doctor, I thought.

But I quickly discovered that it wasn’t just my doctor.

This was happening to MILLIONS of women around the U.S.

Every. Single. year. Year after year.

And You, too, might be one of the millions of women whose condition has been dismissed and ignored by their doctors.

Women like…

So spent thousands of dollars on a doctor who promised to help … and after a year on his protocol and no improvements, the doctor gaslit her and blamed her for not getting better.

Women all over the country have been gaslit into believing that the…

… are all normal, acceptable, and even natural…

Their frustration about their symptoms and abysmal quality of life has been dismissed by doctors who only offer antidepressants, opiates, and symptom-inducing drugs that further debilitate their bodies..


If your doctor has given you a diagnosis and a prescription to manage your symptoms …

… But s/he hasn’t taken the time to help you uncover what you need to do to heal

… Or offered any insights into why this happened or what you can do to get your life back

You know exactly how it feels to be “mansplained”, minimized, gaslit, or dismissed … all the while, knowing something is wrong and that you need help.

Notoriously, doctors call your labs “normal”… 

Until they become “bad enough” to need expensive surgery or lifelong prescription drugs to manage your symptoms…

Which of course, will line your doctor’s and Big Pharma’s pockets.

(Making it obvious why doctors are trained to “care” for us by prescribing drugs and surgeries to manage symptoms … our sickness and symptoms are very lucrative!) 


The good news is…

You don’t need to tolerate being ignored, dismissed, or gaslit by your doctors ever again...

You don’t need to suffer, trapped in a body that’s flabby, foggy, and fatigued for the rest of your life...

Because in the next few minutes, you’ll discover the 3,000-year-old secret, sinister system that’s been sabotaging women’s health and lives for millenia.

Including the little-known, yet practical-and-proven strategies and protocols that I’ve discovered and personally used to reverse disease and reclaim my life (and I’ve helped thousands of other incredible women do the same)…

And even if you’ve been agonizing over extreme fatigue, sleepless nights, and severe fatigue for years...

You can use these secrets to finally reclaim your vibrant health, life, and independence.

This includes learning what kind of doctors will really help you heal so you can get the attention, care, and protocols you need to heal your body for good.

Because sister...

You don’t have to be another casualty of the sinister conventional medical system that’s trapping women in sick bodies.

Over the last 3,000 years, this system has gaslit women and even locked them in asylums and other institutions when they couldn’t fix their frustration or “hysteria” …

Countless thousands of incredible women I’ve met over the past 5 years have experienced some variation of my story…

And their uplifting stories remind us that there is HOPE, and we can escape this sinister trap and reclaim our lives!

It's these miraculous stories, as well as my own that lead me to develop the "R.O.O.T.S." System.

Using R.O.O.T.S., these women have reclaimed:

And these women have reunited with their families and friends after years of being housebound, feeling frustrated and alone, and a burden to their families.

Like me, these women and their lives were invisible to the medical system, dismissed as just “getting older” or suffering from depression.

Many of these women were struggling to manage serious, painful medical conditions—like endometriosis, fibromyalgia and PCOS—that were running rampant and unchecked in their bodies.

All this needless suffering because doctors couldn’t be bothered to take the time to listen to their experience and address what was really going on.

I’ve been there.

For years, I was so frustrated that I - and so many other women - had to literally beg our doctors to run tests to uncover why we were having such terrible brain fog and fatigue… or struggling to get the weight off …

No matter how many doctors dismissed me, deep down I knew my symptoms were not normal!

Something was wrong!

My story, which I will soon share with you, will show you how I discovered R.O.O.T.S and...

the sinister strategy for dismissing and controlling
women that began thousands of years ago...

It all started with diagnoses of "hysteria" in ancient Greece, a label only given to women...

Revealing the deeply ingrained biases against women's emotions and bodies..

This only got progressively worse and more aggressive over the ages...

Leading to dangerous "exorcisms" of so-called "hysterical" women in the 13th century...

Even sparking the famous witch hunts of the Spanish Inquisition, which cost thousands of women their lives!

This hidden system, which would eventually evolve into what I call the "Doctor Trap"... was literally locking women away in insane asylums - not just when they had health issues...

But if they did or said anything contrary to the wishes of men and the power system of the time.

This bias HASN’T gone away.

It still exists today - hidden in plain sight.

See for yourself...

Thanks to a dangerous bias baked into society over thousands of years, it is believed that…

And it’s the real reason so many women like you and me are dismissed and denied proper care - robbing us of the quality of life we can and SHOULD enjoy as we get older.

Because today, instead of
sending women to physical asylums, where we're locked away...


Instead of looking deeper, we're given...

Trapping us in unhealthy states of exhaustion, forgetfulness, and dangerous, unexplained weight gain…

Or simply leave us in unhealthy, tired, and heavy bodies without treatment or investigation.

And tell us we simply can’t expect or demand more - this is just “natural aging.”

Women like me have been made to feel we’re a burden to the system for voicing our concerns.

We’re treated like crazy hypochondriacs, or called “overly dramatic” for wanting better answers to our health challenges.

All of this because we have a healthcare system that’s designed to manage symptoms and control behavior…

Not treat the root cause of the dis-ease so we can truly heal.

This is the reason why even when women have all the means, money and resources to invest in their healing... they’re minimized or dismissed.

And it’s the same reason that they couldn’t be bothered to even name women’s ovaries until the 1700s, while they blamed all of women’s “emotional” problems on them!

It’s not surprising that women weren’t included in medical studies until the late 1990s - and are still severely under-studied and under-represented in medical studies today!

The gaslighting of women began when Aristotle founded modern medicine doctrines with the idea that men’s bodies were standard, and women’s were incomplete and imperfect “aberrations”...

Kicking off the tradition of sidelining and dismissing the study and understanding of the female body in a way that continues to this day — costing hundreds of millions of women their lives, freedom and health in all the years since.

But in Case You Don’t Believe, Let Me Remind

How This Very "Doctor Trap" Has Played Out Right Before Your Very Eyes…

(And Show You How It’s Even Affected the Families of Elite Politicians and Celebrities!)

And You, too, might be one of the millions of women whose condition has been dismissed and ignored by their doctors.

Women like…

So spent thousands of dollars on a doctor who promised to help … and after a year on his protocol and no improvements, the doctor gaslit her and blamed her for not getting better.

Women all over the country have been gaslit into believing that the…

… are all normal, acceptable, and even natural…

Their frustration about their symptoms and abysmal quality of life has been dismissed by doctors who only offer antidepressants, opiates, and symptom-inducing drugs that further debilitate their bodies..


If your doctor has given you a diagnosis and a prescription to manage your symptoms …

… But s/he hasn’t taken the time to help you uncover what you need to do to heal

… Or offered any insights into why this happened or what you can do to get your life back

You know exactly how it feels to be “mansplained”, minimized, gaslit, or dismissed … all the while, knowing something is wrong and that you need help.

Notoriously, doctors call your labs “normal”… 

Until they become “bad enough” to need expensive surgery or lifelong prescription drugs to manage your symptoms…

Which of course, will line your doctor’s and Big Pharma’s pockets.

(Making it obvious why doctors are trained to “care” for us by prescribing drugs and surgeries to manage symptoms … our sickness and symptoms are very lucrative!) 


The good news is…

You don’t need to tolerate being ignored, dismissed, or gaslit by your doctors ever again...

You don’t need to suffer, trapped in a body that’s flabby, foggy, and fatigued for the rest of your life...

Because in the next few minutes, you’ll discover the 3,000-year-old secret, sinister system that’s been sabotaging women’s health and lives for millenia.

Including the little-known, yet practical-and-proven strategies and protocols that I’ve discovered and personally used to reverse disease and reclaim my life (and I’ve helped thousands of other incredible women do the same)…

And even if you’ve been agonizing over extreme fatigue, sleepless nights, and severe fatigue for years...

You can use these secrets to finally reclaim your vibrant health, life, and independence.

This includes learning what kind of doctors will really help you heal so you can get the attention, care, and protocols you need to heal your body for good.

Because sister...

You don’t have to be another casualty of the sinister conventional medical system that’s trapping women in sick bodies.

Over the last 3,000 years, this system has gaslit women and even locked them in asylums and other institutions when they couldn’t fix their frustration or “hysteria” …

Countless thousands of incredible women I’ve met over the past 5 years have experienced some variation of my story…

And their uplifting stories remind us that there is HOPE, and we can escape this sinister trap and reclaim our lives!

It's these miraculous stories, as well as my own that lead me to develop the "R.O.O.T.S." System.

Using R.O.O.T.S., these women have reclaimed:

And these women have reunited with their families and friends after years of being housebound, feeling frustrated and alone, and a burden to their families.

Like me, these women and their lives were invisible to the medical system, dismissed as just “getting older” or suffering from depression.

Many of these women were struggling to manage serious, painful medical conditions—like endometriosis, fibromyalgia and PCOS—that were running rampant and unchecked in their bodies.

All this needless suffering because doctors couldn’t be bothered to take the time to listen to their experience and address what was really going on.

I’ve been there.

For years, I was so frustrated that I - and so many other women - had to literally beg our doctors to run tests to uncover why we were having such terrible brain fog and fatigue… or struggling to get the weight off …

No matter how many doctors dismissed me, deep down I knew my symptoms were not normal!

Something was wrong!

My story, which I will soon share with you, will show you how I discovered R.O.O.T.S and how...

the sinister strategy for dismissing and controlling
women that began thousands of years ago...

It all started with diagnoses of "hysteria" in ancient Greece, a label only given to women...

Revealing the deeply ingrained biases against women's emotions and bodies..

This only got progressively worse and more aggressive over the ages...

Leading to dangerous "exorcisms" of so-called "hysterical" women in the 13th century...

Even sparking the famous witch hunts of the Spanish Inquisition, which cost thousands of women their lives!

This hidden system, which would eventually evolve into what I call the "Doctor Trap"... was literally locking women away in insane asylums - not just when they had health issues...

But if they did or said anything contrary to the wishes of men and the power system of the time.

This bias HASN’T gone away.

It still exists today - hidden in plain sight.

See for yourself...

Thanks to a dangerous bias baked into society over thousands of years, it is believed that…

And it’s the real reason so many women like you and me are dismissed and denied proper care - robbing us of the quality of life we can and SHOULD enjoy as we get older.

Because today, instead of
sending women to physical asylums, where we're locked away...


Instead of looking deeper, we're given...

Trapping us in unhealthy states of exhaustion, forgetfulness, and dangerous, unexplained weight gain…

Or simply leave us in unhealthy, tired, and heavy bodies without treatment or investigation.

And tell us we simply can’t expect or demand more - this is just “natural aging.”

Women like me have been made to feel we’re a burden to the system for voicing our concerns.

We’re treated like crazy hypochondriacs, or called “overly dramatic” for wanting better answers to our health challenges.

All of this because we have a healthcare system that’s designed to manage symptoms and control behavior…

Not treat the root cause of the dis-ease so we can truly heal.

This is the reason why even when women have all the means, money and resources to invest in their healing... they’re minimized or dismissed.

And it’s the same reason that they couldn’t be bothered to even name women’s ovaries until the 1700s, while they blamed all of women’s “emotional” problems on them!

It’s not surprising that women weren’t included in medical studies until the late 1990s - and are still severely under-studied and under-represented in medical studies today!

The gaslighting of women began when Aristotle founded modern medicine doctrines with the idea that men’s bodies were standard, and women’s were incomplete and imperfect “aberrations”...

Kicking off the tradition of sidelining and dismissing the study and understanding of the female body in a way that continues to this day — costing hundreds of millions of women their lives, freedom and health in all the years since.

But in Case You Don’t Believe, Let Me Remind

How This Very "Doctor Trap" Has Played Out Right Before Your Very Eyes…

(And Show You How It’s Even Affected the Families of Elite Politicians and Celebrities!)

Have you heard the story of Elizabeth Packard?

In 1860, Elizabeth Packard, a Connecticut housewife was declared insane and placed in an asylum by her husband because she frequently disagreed with him and had arguments about religious beliefs.

She spent three years in the asylum before being freed and declared clearly sane, but had to fight long and hard to get her children back from the custody of her husband.

The dismissing of the female experience has been part of the fabric of society for millennia

And while it’s not as overt and obvious today - it’s still there.

Caging us in bodies that are unhealthy and in pain…

remember rosemary kennedy?

She was the eldest daughter of the famous John F Kennedy Sr (father of President John F Kennedy Jr) who was not the over-achiever that her competitive siblings were?

She was in “special education” as a kid, and experienced seizures and violent mood swings as a young adult.

To “fix” her, her father arranged a prefrontal lobotomy which left her incapacitated and unable to speak in her early 20s…

Humiliated, her family sent her to an asylum, where she spent the rest of her life away from her family and nearly forgotten by society.

These abuses against women who were “hard to control” or “didn’t fit the societal mold” go far back into history…

Remember Gilda Radner, the 42-year-old
Saturday Night Live comedian?

Just like most women, Gilda dreamed of having a child but struggled to conceive.

So she had herself checked out, only to discover she was infertile.

A few weeks later, she battled extreme fatigue, bloating, and leg weakness that really affected her productivity and life.

Along with it came several months of missed periods, which turned out to be her first pregnancy.

However, her joy at this news was just short-lived, as just a few weeks later, she had a miscarriage.

She thought her fatigue, brain fog, and bloating would eventually wane following her miscarriage, but they did not.

Instead, they continued to debilitate her, leaving her unproductive and restless every single day!

So she went to her doctor for a check-up and was told that she had elevated Epstein-Barr virus antibodies, as many people do.

Her internist also suggested that her symptoms could be due to depression. He patted her on the back and told her to relax.

A week or so later after her first check-up, she began running a low-grade fever and experienced severe fatigue that came and went in cycles, but her doctor said it was nothing to worry about.

She also started having pelvic cramping on top of everything else.

So she then went to her gynecologist, who assured her that nothing was wrong; it was just “mittelschmerz”, the sensation some women can feel at the time of ovulation.

Over the next few months, the grinding fatigue, seemingly never-ending stomach problems, and bowel issues continued.

Her doctor said she was probably taking too many vitamins.

She went to another doctor for a second opinion, who thought her stomach problems were   the result of anxiety and depression.

One doctor did a pelvic sonogram on her, and this revealed that her ovaries “weren’t exactly in the place they were supposed to be.”

However, the doctor said that this wasn’t really a cause for concern.

Rather, it was simply some “congestion” in her pelvis.

“Everything is fine,” they told her. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

All her tests were normal.

Still, she began to notice a gauntness in her face, and she also seemed to be losing weight in her arms.

In fact, she was losing weight everywhere, and too much of it.

So next, she went to see a doctor in Boston, who prescribed an antidepressant.

Skeptical, she saw a new gynecologist, who did another pelvic exam and told her that she had some scar tissue, but that everything else was normal.

Eager to know what was really going on with her body and to live normally again, Gilda tried everything, including

But even so, the pain in her legs kept her up at night. She became so severely bloated that she really did look pregnant .

So her doctor gave her laxatives, which did nothing.

On October 20, 1986, Gilda had her blood tested, which revealed that her liver function was irregular.

Until finally, after a series of labs and tests…

Gilda was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer, undetected until the tumor had grown to the size of a grapefruit.

Although devastated, Gilda had a sigh of relief knowing that finally, someone discovered what was wrong!

She had her ovaries removed in the hopes of healing and living a healthy, normal life again.

But along with losing the opportunity to bear a child…

Gilda succumbed to ovarian cancer 2 years later after undergoing a series of chemotherapy treatments.

This tragedy could have been easily avoided if only they had listened to Gilda and acted immediately when her symptoms were still manageable and disease progression could have been prevented.

Gilda is only one of the millions of women in America whose unnecessary deaths could have been prevented.

Instead, she became another casualty of this dangerous, hidden system…

She is one of millions of women who've been...

And this is happening every single day.

To you, and to women you love...

whether you realize it or not.

elizabeth packard, rosemary kennedy, and gilda radner aren't the only ones... sometimes these things hit much closer to home.

elizabeth packard, rosemary kennedy, and gilda radner aren't the only ones... sometimes these things hit much closer to home.

elizabeth packard, rosemary kennedy, and gilda radner aren't the only ones... sometimes these things hit much closer to home.

I too, lost my cousin Jan to this same, cruel system just a couple of years ago.

She was only 54. She suffered from debilitating health issues stemming from severe childhood trauma that was never processed, just like some of you are experiencing right now...

She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, and her doctors put her on a regimen of over a dozen different prescriptions — including narcotics and opiates — to deal with her pain and all her symptoms.

But despite taking this addictive stuff for years, it never did anything to help her HEAL.

Instead, they made her condition worse.

I wanted to share with Jan the deeper detoxification, root-cause work that literally saved my life… giving me back my energy, independence, and freedom.

But she was scared to listen...

Scared her doctors would drop her from their practices if she didn't do what they said (yes, they actually threatened her).

… so she was terrified to go against their advice.

Because she was unaware of everything I’m about to tell you right now… she took all the prescription drugs, barely able to function…

And one day, she passed out and never woke up.

We shouldn’t haven’t been surprised, because she was taking very dangerous medications...

But her sudden death was more heartbreaking than I could have ever imagined….

… because I KNOW it didn’t have to happen.

It’s still so hard for me to accept her death…

It’s hard for me to see her grown kids agonize over missing her so much as if they were lost …

And, it’s hard for me because I feel like the doctors killed her… not because they did something to her…

But because they DIDN’T.

They didn’t help her heal.

So even though I’ve been helping tens of thousands of women take control of their health and recover their vitality, strength, and healthy bodies again…

After doctors...

I couldn’t save my cousin Jan.

She was killed by the broken American sick care system.

And this epidemic is bigger than doctors trying to make a buck…

Jan was another casualty of the recent iteration of a system that has been leaving women unseen and invisible… in pain, alone, and dying early for thousands of years…

And the work I’ve been doing personally with women across the country over the past few years has been a drop in the bucket…

Compared to ALL the women who are currently being failed and hurt by this sinister system.


Who am I? Why should you trust me?

My name is Misty Williams.

I’m an almost-50 year old stepmom, wife to Roderick, and 20+-year entrepreneur...

And at 36, I was an independent woman running several businesses…

Training for half marathons…

And ready to have kids.

Everything in my life seemed to be going right.

Until 11 years ago, when a botched surgery almost killed me… And sent me into a flabby, foggy & fatigued tailspin

It all started when the doctor told me that I needed a 30-minute surgery to remove an ovarian cyst.

Only when they opened me up…

They discovered scar and endometrial tissue that had infested my abdomen, requiring an extra 2 hours to remove.

After surgery, I felt so exhausted, it was like I had been dumped into a pit and left for dead…

And about 6 hours later I started vomiting…

This wasn’t one of the side effects I’d been warned about, so I started getting a little worried.

I decided to try and sleep it off.

Only the next day, it got worse.

So I called the doctor.

No answer.

That was Friday.

Saturday I called again.


Again. No answer.

Finally, I got a call back from a doctor-on-call who said I might be dehydrated…


“Just go to the ER if you feel bad,” he said.

“Or you can just talk to your doctor on Monday.”


That was it.

He had no idea who I was or what had been done to me.

I toughed it out until Monday when my doctor was supposed to call me at 4:15 pm…

Only I didn’t hear from her.

So at 4:45, I called her office.

When the receptionist answered, she told me that the doctor was out sick and had taken the day off…


I was so frustrated — angry.

Didn’t anyone tell my doctor
I’d been leaving messages for days?

Didn’t anyone tell my doctor
I’d been leaving messages for days?

Didn’t anyone tell my doctor
I’d been leaving messages for days?

Practically BEGGING for help?

The next morning, I arrived at the office when they opened and told the receptionist I was there to see my doctor.

She told me the doctor wouldn’t be in until noon and that I could come back then.

But I wasn’t going to leave.


I was just going to wait.

An hour later, I got a call from my doctor, who sounded nervous.

She told me to go to the emergency room immediately…

Emergency room?


I had no idea what to expect.

Apparently the surgeon had pinched my small intestines with the sutures while sewing me up…

Meaning that I wasn’t able to pass any food through my stomach…

Which is why I was vomiting… bloated… and dangerously close to dying.

So they took me back to the operating room.

“Fixed” their botched mistake.

And sent me on my way.

This experience was devastating.

I felt hurt.




What was supposed to HELP ME had almost killed me.

But then to add insult to injury…

During my follow-up appointment two weeks later, the doctor told me I had endometriosis.

A disease.

When I asked my doctor WHY I had gotten endometriosis in the first place…

She had the audacity to look me in my eyes and say…

“We don’t know what causes it…
Why don’t you Google it?”

“We don’t know what causes it…
Why don’t you Google it?”

“We don’t know what causes it…
Why don’t you Google it?”

Why. Don’t. You. Google it?

It was like a “spit in the face” when I should have received a proper explanation…

I was too shocked to even be mad.

Instead, I felt devastated.

Desperate, really.

I mean to have your doctor…

The person you PAY and TRUST with your most precious gift — your life…

To have her respond to your plea for understanding with …

“Google it.”

It was gutting.

But it also broke something inside of me.

It broke my faith in doctors. And almost broke my faith that I could heal.

Because while my doctor acted like she had ALL the answers…

… And if she didn’t know the answer, an answer didn’t exist…

Like she couldn’t be bothered with my trivial questions… my desire to heal...

The TRUTH was that she knew so little (or cared so little)...

That the only advice she could give was — Google it.

The hypocrisy was appaling!

The hypocrisy was appaling!

The hypocrisy was appaling!

But even more striking was the realization that I couldn’t trust her with my body.

Not anymore.

I wasn’t as safe like I thought.


I was vulnerable.

It felt like a splash of cold water on the face.

Because now I knew that when it came to my health….

My ONE life…

My ONE body…

I couldn’t trust someone else’s authority like I thought I could.

And neither can you.

That’s When I Took Matters Into My Own Hands…

At the time, I was managing a now-celebrity doctor - We’ll call him Dr. X. Naturally, I took all of my questions to him and he was gracious enough to help me out.

"When I told him about my experience with my current doctor and asked what to do next, he just said, “Well, you need to make sure your labs are optimal, not just ‘in range’…”

Without looking at the optimal values, what my doctor was telling me meant PRACTICALLY NOTHING.

Determined to get to the bottom of this, I persuaded him to help me work out a list of optimal lab values…

…And that step alone took nearly a year because of his busy schedule.

The next big step was putting it all into practice which was a LOT harder than it sounds…

When I Went Back to My Doctor, She REFUSED to Run Any of the Labs I Wanted…

When I Went Back to My Doctor, She REFUSED to Run Any of the Labs I Wanted…

When I Went Back to My Doctor, She REFUSED to Run Any of the Labs I Wanted…

“Misty, you’re fine,” she insisted.

After more pressing, begging, insisting … she finally broke.

“Even if I ran more labs, I wouldn’t know what they meant.”

To get me out of her hair, she referred me to an endocrinologist.

I thought this would be the end of my mildly-low hormones story, but it was just the start.

That’s because the endocrinologist, who promised me she’d run more labs, felt around my neck and told me I had thyroid nodules…

What?! What causes thyroid nodules???

“We don’t know what causes them. Your thyroid is fine; we’ll just watch it, though your nodules are very large. Let me refer you to a surgeon.”

I left the office stunned, with no intent to follow through on yet another surgery.

That’s what started all of this in the first place!

I Was Sick of Doctors “Watching” Things Until They Got Bad Enough to Require Surgery…

I Was Sick of Doctors “Watching” Things Until They Got Bad Enough to Require Surgery…

I Was Sick of Doctors “Watching” Things Until They Got Bad Enough to Require Surgery…

With the labs the endocrinologist DID run, she said they all looked normal.

Which, of course, was no help to me at all…

I began searching for a doctor who took my insurance and would run the labs I wanted so that I could figure out what was really going on.

Dr. X Helped Me Develop a List of
“Optimizing Labs” on Top of “Optimal Values”

Dr. X Helped Me Develop a List of
“Optimizing Labs” on Top of “Optimal Values”

Dr. X Helped Me Develop a List of
“Optimizing Labs” on Top of “Optimal Values”

After YEARS, I finally felt empowered to see for myself what was going on in my body.

No longer did I need to be blindly dependent on the doctor telling me things were normal…

And no longer was I going to be dismissed, gaslit, and called “normal” when I sure as hell didn’t feel that way!

Armed with this knowledge, I finally ran all of the optimizing labs, all at once, and the data I got shocked me.

I Was Finally Able to See For Myself What Was Happening in My Body - And My Doctors Were WRONG!

I Was Finally Able to See For Myself What Was Happening in My Body - And My Doctors Were WRONG!

I Was Finally Able to See For Myself What Was Happening in My Body - And My Doctors Were WRONG!

I compared my lab results to the “optimal” values that I had learned with Dr. X.

All of my hormones were a little low…

And one additional lab I did stood out above all of the rest - my Epstein Barr virus (EBV) lab tests.

EBV can lay dormant in your body for YEARS, ready to rear its ugly head whenever you’re under a little extra stress or your immune system comes down.

In my research, EBV can cause thyroid nodules…

…And my test showed that 1/2 of the markers were lit up!

Could this be why I have thyroid nodules?

By this point it was no surprise that my doctor once again told me lies like:

I was pulling my hair out … Why was it so hard to get help?! To say I was FED UP with the traditional doctor model is an understatement.​

I Was Doing Everything Right. Little Did I Know Things Were About to Get A Whole Lot WORSE!

I Was Doing Everything Right. Little Did I Know Things Were About to Get A Whole Lot WORSE!

I Was Doing Everything Right. Little Did I Know Things Were About to Get A Whole Lot WORSE!

By 2013, I was working with a personal trainer

I had gone fully Paleo, eliminated gluten and sugar and all processed foods…

I switched out all of my toxic cleaning products for natural ones…

had even hardwired my house to eliminate EMFs…

One day, my trainer comes in to do my measurements and…

I was bigger EVERYWHERE.

I nearly broke down crying on the spot.

I had put on 10 lbs.

…And over the next 4 months I gained 35 lbs MORE.

As soon as this happened, I ran new labs, including a 24-hour urine test to evaluate my hormone function.

This time, my hormones were trashed and the urine test showed I wasn’t methylating at all. (Methylation is how the body detoxifies, and my body’s methylation system was completely frozen.)

This Time I Went to See a Renowned “Functional Medicine” Practitioner…

This Time I Went to See a Renowned “Functional Medicine” Practitioner…

This Time I Went to See a Renowned “Functional Medicine” Practitioner…

I’d been hearing that functional medicine doctors were the ones who knew how to help the body heal (vs just treating symptoms with drugs and surgery and “watching it”).

It took me two months to get an appointment with this person.

Meanwhile the scale was going up, up, up, and I was freaking out.

During my follow up appointment, she looked grim.

“This looks like Premature Ovarian Failure.”

“I can’t help you with this. I need to refer you to someone.” she told me.

I BEGGED her to do something before I got to OBGYN.

I had already waited 2 months for this, just to be told she couldn’t help? And I needed 1-2 more months to get another appointment with another specialist?

Were things going to get worse?

Was I going to go completely off the deep end?

My weight was out of control and we needed to do something NOW.

Before I knew it, my appointment was over.

I never heard back from her…

Instead I Got a Letter in the Mail Dismissing Me from Her Practice.

Instead I Got a Letter in the Mail Dismissing Me from Her Practice.

Instead I Got a Letter in the Mail Dismissing Me from Her Practice.

I was so hurt that this “new” system that was supposed to help in complex cases like mine gave me no help at all!

I was on my own – again.

The OBGYN acknowledged my hormones were low, put me on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) -- And it helped.

But I still had no idea the reason WHY things were so off. Not only was I struggling with weight gain, but there were times I was so inexplicably exhausted that it was scary.

Over the year, my body released the weight and life was alright.

I still dealt with fatigue from time to time, but it was manageable.

After 2 Years Being Relatively “Stable,” My Health Took Another Unexplained Nosedive.

After 2 Years Being Relatively “Stable,” My Health Took Another Unexplained Nosedive.

In 2016, my health took another unexplained nosedive.

After 2 Years Being Relatively “Stable,” My Health Took Another Unexplained Nosedive.

On top of tons of personal life stress, my weight was going up again.

I re-ran all of my labs.

This time, in addition to low hormones, I was showing CLINICAL hypothyroidism, which means that even in standard medical lab ranges, my thyroid was completely tanked.

Working with a new functional medicine practitioner, I went on thyroid support.

I was initially relieved, my weight seemed to stabilize, but I still didn’t know why this was happening…

That’s When I Received a New Piece of The Puzzle…

That’s When I Received a New Piece of The Puzzle…

That’s When I Received a New Piece of The Puzzle…

In 2018, I launched a new business to start sharing my knowledge.

I wanted to help women like me who were struggling to get any support from their doctors or to make meaningful progress on their healing journeys.

I hosted my first online event, where I interviewed the top experts in the world around women’s hormones for 58,000 attendees.

In addition to my own research, I learned TONS by asking doctors and other health experts any question I wanted, free from judgment.

But it was two interviews in particular that provided a breakthrough in my own case.

My interviews with Dr. Christopher Shade and Dr. Al Danenberg revealed that…

“Hidden” Toxins Were Slowly Killing Me from the Inside Out.

In 2013, I had a series of dental routine procedures…

Specifically, removing mercury fillings.

Mercury is a heavy metal that is known to cause:

But what I didn’t know is that when the heavy metal, mercury, is removed from your teeth without the proper shielding, the fast spinning drill turns the mercury to dust that is absorbed back into the body, brain, and bones through your breathing.

This makes your body tremendously toxic!

A toxic body stresses your immune system and crashes your hormone production and metabolism.

And because heavy metals burrow so deep in the body, it takes a LONG time to remove them.

And so the heavy metal detox began.

I was pretty stable for a while, but it wasn’t long before I would experience my next “crash”...

Just When I Thought I Had Figured Things Out, We Discovered MORE

Just When I Thought I Had Figured Things Out, We Discovered MORE

Just When I Thought I Had Figured Things Out, We Discovered MORE

In 2019, my weight slowly started creeping up again.

I returned to my old dieting tricks…

But nothing was working this time.

I knew that if this was happening again, something was wrong.

There had to be an explanation.

I visited with the NP I had been seeing since 2014:

Toward the end of our session, I confided in tears that the 18-lb weight gain was getting to me. “Roderick and I want to get married and I don’t want to walk down the aisle like this!”

I wasn’t just concerned about the aesthetics of it…

I was concerned something was wrong. Like REALLY wrong.

That Led Me to the Final Pieces of the Puzzle...

That Led Me to the Final Pieces of the Puzzle...

That Led Me to the Final Pieces of the Puzzle...

My NP ran two labs that are RARELY talked about in the traditional doctor paradigm…

OAT (Organic Acids Test) and Mycotoxins Text.

An OAT test is an in depth look at the metabolic reactions in your body and mold looks for toxic mold.

Toxic mold is yet another substance that can burrow deep within your body, going undetected for years leading to all kinds of “mysterious” symptoms.

As it turns out, I was FULL of toxic mold that I likely picked up after the mercury poisoning years earlier, and it all went undiagnosed.

I had fungus, my neurotransmitters were trashed … I was metabolically on life support.

And that was what had been dysregulating my hormones, my adrenals, and my yo-yo-ing weight for over a decade.

I was likely exposed years earlier while living in a gorgeous restored Victorian that had been built in 1892, after the mercury toxicity shut down methylation and my body couldn’t properly manage detoxification.

The mold colonized and I’ve been getting worse all this time …

And that’s why despite…

I was gaining weight and my symptoms were getting WORSE!

2021 Was the Year Everything Started to Come Together…

Detoxing from the mold on top of the heavy metals takes time…

I learned how important it was to also do a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis … because your body needs proper mineral levels to detoxify!

Rebalancing the minerals cleared the brain fog that often accompanies detoxification (it was bad), my body began releasing the excess weight, and my adrenals have come back online.

I’m taking fewer supplements than I have in years.

My sleep is amazing. I wake up refreshed every day.

Roderick and I are engaged. I’m excited to network and see people and grow my business and spend time with my family.

2022 was the Year I Finally Got to Start Loving My Body and Life Again

The biggest lesson I learned throughout all of this is that no matter what letters people have after their name, very few have had the right training on toxicity to help us heal the flabby, foggy and fatigued for good.

There are lots of people out there trained in “functional medicine,” but few of them understand women and their hormones, and have the training to go after the toxic stressors (like mold, heavy metals, EBV, parasites, Lyme, etc) that are trashing our bodies and keeping us flabby, foggy and fatigued…

I’m glad I stuck with it because 2022 was the year I finally got to start loving my body and life once again!

By perservering, I’ve had a LOT of wonderful breakthroughs this year like:

It took 10 long years…

But I’m grateful to be one of those women who can say they escaped the “Doctor Trap” to get her life back.

Now I’m Doing What I Can to Get This Powerful Information into the Hands of Every Woman Who Needs It…

Now I’m Doing What I Can to Get This Powerful Information into the Hands of Every Woman Who Needs It…

Now I’m Doing What I Can to Get This Powerful Information into the Hands of Every Woman Who Needs It…

You CAN get the help you need, despite a medical system that doesn't acknowledge your symptoms as legitimate medical concerns…

That’s why today, I’ve dedicated my life to sharing everything I’ve learned that allowed me to get my life back...

… all while doctors told me my labs were normal and dismissed my symptoms…

I discovered so many mind-blowing secrets along the way and I’m on a mission to:

As it turns out, the best thing I could have done for my energy, my body and my freedom was to STOP listening to conventional medicine.

Like so many of you, I’ve had to persevere, tap into my resilience and keep the faith for my healing in the face of doctors who believed they knew better than me…

… who discredited my desire to create the very best health that I could.

I Learned to Take My Journey into My Own Hands

I Learned to Take My Journey into My Own Hands

I Learned to Take My Journey into My Own Hands

and Get Real Results and Healing, While Navigating a System that Doesn’t Understand a Woman’s Body

and Get Real Results and Healing, While Navigating a System that Doesn’t Understand a Woman’s Body

and Get Real Results and Healing, While Navigating a System that Doesn’t Understand a Woman’s Body

And I even discovered how to feel better than I ever had — thanks to supporting my hormones and rooting out hidden health stressors and toxins that were slowly eroding my health.

And now, I have helped tens of thousands of other women unlock newfound health, energy, and life again too…

Through my unique, deeply researched, and proven ROOTS Process, especially for women who are not satisfied with settling for…

You’ll see how this also explains the rapid increase of mental health diagnoses over the past few decades, and why:

… and you DEFINITELY do not have to settle for this frustrating, flabby, foggy and fatigued reality anymore!

That’s why I’m SO excited to share this book with you…

That’s why I’m SO excited to share this book with you…

That’s why I’m SO excited to share this book with you…

Because unlike the other health books and resources out there….

How to Escape the Doctor Trap gives you all the little-known, extraordinarily-useful health hacking secrets you need to actually regain your vibrant health…

So you can start feeling like yourself again!

This information has already been PROVEN by HUNDREDS of women all following the exact same path:

Like Stef who says…

“I have had chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and chronic inflammation (due to osteoarthritis) since my hysterectomy in July 2020.

I saw countless doctors, therapists who tried to put me on antidepressants, bone building meds with terrible side effects, HRT.

Then I found [Misty] who encouraged me to dig deeper.

After a 6 months waiting list, I finally saw an integrative doctor. Diagnosis: CIRS and MCAS due to mold in our unit.

I cried, I wasn't going crazy. I am now moving out and recovering. After a week the depression lifted.

THANK YOU for keeping me sane. Happy to finally see light at the end of the tunnel.”

Or Cristina who says…

“I am taking away the knowledge that I will get through this. The awareness that I'm not alone, the ability to look at what I need to do (next steps).

And I actually slept 6hrs last night. I haven't slept more than 2hr at a time for years.

Woohoo! It was awesome!

Overall, this has been a joy and a win for me. Thank You!”

Those are just a few of the stories I get all of the time.

And all of their success starts with a few important insights I’ve collected over the last decade.

So without further ado…

How to Escape the Doctor Trap!

This information has already been PROVEN by HUNDREDS of women all following the exact same path:

Like Stef who says…

“I have had chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and chronic inflammation (due to osteoarthritis) since my hysterectomy in July 2020.

I saw countless doctors, therapists who tried to put me on antidepressants, bone building meds with terrible side effects, HRT.

Then I found [Misty] who encouraged me to dig deeper.

After a 6 months waiting list, I finally saw an integrative doctor. Diagnosis: CIRS and MCAS due to mold in our unit.

I cried, I wasn't going crazy. I am now moving out and recovering. After a week the depression lifted.

THANK YOU for keeping me sane. Happy to finally see light at the end of the tunnel.”

Or Cristina who says…

“I am taking away the knowledge that I will get through this. The awareness that I'm not alone, the ability to look at what I need to do (next steps).

And I actually slept 6hrs last night. I haven't slept more than 2hr at a time for years.

Woohoo! It was awesome!

Overall, this has been a joy and a win for me. Thank You!”

Those are just a few of the stories I get all of the time.

And all of their success starts with a few important insights I’ve collected over the last decade.

So without further ado…

How to Escape the Doctor Trap!

How to Escape the Doctor Trap!

How to Escape the Doctor Trap!

How to Escape the Doctor Trap!

How to Escape the Doctor Trap!

Inside this book I’m sharing EXACTLY how I reclaimed my health after a decade of flabby, foggy and fatigued…

And how I’ve helped countless women do the same.

This short book contains the EXACT strategies and protocols I followed to literally save my own life…

… including insights gained from meetings with scientists, health practitioners, nutritionists, naturopaths, doctors and more.

And insights that allowed me to take my health into my own hands and get REAL results…

Even while navigating a system that doesn’t understand a woman’s body.

It begins with eradicating toxicity, rooting out “hidden health stressors,” flushing away dangerous toxins that erode our health and fixing our hormones.

Unlike the other health books and resources out there….

How to Escape the Doctor Trap reveals little-known, yet extraordinarily-useful health hacking secrets to help you actually regain your vibrant health…

So you can start feeling like yourself again!

Here’s just a little bit more of what you’ll find inside.

Inside this book I’m sharing EXACTLY how I reclaimed my health after a decade of flabby, foggy and fatigued…

And how I’ve helped countless women do the same.

This short book contains the EXACT strategies and protocols I followed to literally save my own life…

… including insights gained from meetings with scientists, health practitioners, nutritionists, naturopaths, doctors and more.

And insights that allowed me to take my health into my own hands and get REAL results…

Even while navigating a system that doesn’t understand a woman’s body.

It begins with eradicating toxicity, rooting out “hidden health stressors,” flushing away dangerous toxins that erode our health and fixing our hormones.

Unlike the other health books and resources out there….

How to Escape the Doctor Trap reveals little-known, yet extraordinarily-useful health hacking secrets to help you actually regain your vibrant health…

So you can start feeling like yourself again!

Here’s just a little bit more of what you’ll find inside.

Inside this book I’m sharing EXACTLY how I reclaimed my health after a decade of flabby, foggy and fatigued…

And how I’ve helped countless women do the same.

This short book contains the EXACT strategies and protocols I followed to literally save my own life…

… including insights gained from meetings with scientists, health practitioners, nutritionists, naturopaths, doctors and more.

And insights that allowed me to take my health into my own hands and get REAL results…

Even while navigating a system that doesn’t understand a woman’s body.

It begins with eradicating toxicity, rooting out “hidden health stressors,” flushing away dangerous toxins that erode our health and fixing our hormones.

Unlike the other health books and resources out there….

How to Escape the Doctor Trap reveals little-known, yet extraordinarily-useful health hacking secrets to help you actually regain your vibrant health…

So you can start feeling like yourself again!

Here’s just a little bit more of what you’ll find inside.

This book is packed with insights and strategies to help
you successfully navigate your healing journey:

Page 15

The not-so-secret conspiracy pulling the strings and keeping
you trapped in a body that feels flabby, foggy, and fatigue.


Discover how they dictate what medications and health procedures we
can get, and why they FORCE us to STAY sick so they can
ethically steal more of our hard-earned money later.

Page 75

If you've tried everything, are eating clean, working out,
and STILL not feeling any better…


You NEED to know about these hidden sources of pollution that
are poisoning your body
despite your best efforts, and exactly
how to eject them from your life for a near-miraculous boost to your
overall health, energy, and mental clarity.

Page 25

The HUGE hidden “lie” in every doctor’s default response
to their sick patients!


You’ve probably heard it before and believe me, it isn’t true. This is
CRITICAL for unlocking the door to TRUE, lasting healing — and 99%
of women simply don’t know it or question it!

Page 84

Discover the best "doctor" capable of helping you heal and
unlocking your radiant health…


… and why it's NOT your conventional doctor, OBGYN, or even an
alternative health doctor.

Page 32

Discover the 7 female health secrets that can be total game-
changers for your health, but that doctors will NEVER tell you.


Number 3 sounds scary, but that’s exactly what helped me reclaim my
health. Read the secrets on page 32 so you’ll never feel confused,
lost, or in the dark about your own health again!

Page 70

The true, hidden culprit behind dramatically deteriorating
health in middle age and beyond.


It’s NOT just “natural aging” but a common and widely
toxin that seeps into every human being in the world.
Find out exactly what it is and how to get rid of its effects.

Page 12

Ever heard a doctor say these 3 words?


Turns out, that’s an indirect way of saying “you’re crazy” that
doctors have been using to write women off for THOUSANDS of
years… and a HUGE red flag for any woman who hears them!

Page 42

Struggling with your reproductive health? Beware of this
doctor’s favorite procedure! It can forever impact your
ability to orgasm...


… and give you early onset of menopause, bowel dysfunction, and
chronic pain — yet they RARELY disclose all these details.

In fact, they won’t ask for any consent to do this procedure,
even though you may need further surgery to repair the damage they
inflict on your body.

Page 100

Why the most POWERFUL way to keep your body young
and healthy has nothing to do with juicing, dieting or fasting.


Instead, focus on this ONE thing 99% of doctors completely
to feel healthy and vibrant again, no matter your biological age.

Page 124

Doctor won’t order the tests you need to get answers about your thyroid?


Here’s why you don’t NEED them to - and exactly how you can
have tests done yourself without blowing the bank account or waiting
around for a doctor to take you seriously.

Page 29

The medical school “treatment” loophole that’s giving
doctors a conflict of interest that’s threatening women’s
lives and futures.


Once you discover this, you’ll understand why the doctor’s orders
have NEVER helped you truly heal
- and exactly how to change
that starting today!

Page 61

Dealing with a doctor who won’t run the right labs?


Here’s the dead-simple way to get your doctor to take you
and start acting today — no more stress and headache of
working with and paying for a doctor who doesn’t listen to

Page 44

Warning: removing this organ in your body can increase
your risk of heart disease, cancer, and premature death…


… yet most doctors can have it removed without your
Protect yourself with the information on page 33.

Page 29

The X treatments and prescriptions your doctor will almost
always advise


… and the secret life-threatening reason why you should NEVER just take their advice.

PLUS - what your rights as a patient are, and how to use them to
“force” your doctor to do what’s best for YOUR healing (not their

Page 49

The biggest lie our parents passed down to us about
doctors is sabotaging our health and life.


You’ve probably heard it while growing up and you might have told
your kids about it, too!

Discover this secret today to start reclaiming your youthful body and
health while ensuring your family can escape the doctor trap, too!

Page 95

The #1 piece of “common sense” advice secretly depriving
women of youthful and vibrant health DECADES early.


Forget about this if you want to enjoy a strong, vibrant body and sharp
mind well into your “Golden Years”.

Page 122

Did your doctor tell you your labs are “normal”?


Here’s why “normal labs” are a complete myth — and what the
so-called “standard ranges” actually mean for you.

You’ll also discover a simple tool you can use to assess where your lab
numbers actually stand - and what to do next to unlock more
health and vitality

Page 40

REVEALED: Why SO many women are aging prematurely -
and exactly how you can avoid their mistakes…


So you can keep aging with energy, radiance, and vitality to
maintain your youth, mental sharpness, and independence long after
others have withered away....

Discover how you can support a healthy aging process.

Page 89

Is your skin starting to sag? Discover the shocking truth
about unnecessary aging that every woman should be
aware of…


… and a simple strategy to avoid it so you can age gracefully
without spending thousands of dollars
and wasting precious
hours and energy fighting your reflection. See page 30.

Page 48

In search of a doctor who will ACTUALLY help you
with your healing?


Discover the #1 characteristic you need in your doctor to
unlock TRUE healing and vitality. This has nothing to do with his or her
affiliation, credentials, or educational attainment!

Page 96

The “secret weapon” that took me from flabby, foggy, and
fatigued to radiant and healthy.


It restored my vibrant, youthful self after years of agony and distress
playing whack-a-mole with doctors, tests, and prescriptions.

Page 25

Going for a dental checkup? Beware of this hidden toxin dentists LOVE to use…


… But that crushed my entire endocrine and methylation (a fancy medical term for
detoxification) system and set off a dangerous chain reaction of health problems for me.

Plus, what my doctor discovered helped me reverse this issue powerfully..

Page 48

The “magic words” you need to hear from your doctor if you want to truly heal
and be healthy.


Warning: Only a handful of doctors can say THIS straight to your face… the majority
of them don’t care enough to say them, and won’t care enough to actually help you
heal, either!

Page 160

A simple “plan of action” to help you reclaim your health and get back the body
and life you once had.


Most doctors don’t know how to do this—and some just won't… So here's how you
can rig the game so they do what’s best for you, with just a few extra minutes of
your time.

Page 108

A simple “health fix” that can supercharge your health and life without paying for
expensive medication, consultations, or surgery!


Your doctor will be shocked and confused at how you recovered your youthful
vitality and strength without his or her help!

Page 77

This toxic chemical can make you flabby, foggy, and fatigued, and is
dangerous, especially to your nervous system and brain…


… yet it’s finding ways into your body every single day, where it builds up and wreaks
more and more havoc over time.

Discover how to flush this deadly toxin out of your system so you can start healing,
feeling, and moving like your normal self again without pills, procedures, and paying
through the nose for it!

Writing this book has been a labor of love...

Because in it I share not only my own journey…

But also the journey of thousands of other women who have overcome the odds, battled with medical gaslighting and escaped the Doctor Trap to recover the vitality they deserve.

And I share advice from countless experts dedicated to real health and healing.

The process lined out in this book helps any woman struggling with:

… To finally get down to the ROOT of the problem.

(Hence, why we call it the ROOTS Process).

And issues that will derail your health and FORCE your body to stay sick, no matter what you do, or how closely you follow “doctor’s orders”...

And if you’re entrepreneurial or career-driven like me…

These issues will severely limit the success and power you can achieve as a woman in a man’s world.

But no matter WHO you are…

This book will reveal how to FEEL your best, protect your health and find the support you need.

But that’s not all I have to share with you today…

Because apart from all that…

I’m also going to throw in a few extra bonuses for you.

Bonus #1:

How To Escape The Doctor Trap Webinar Recording

In this recording, I reveal 5 commonly-ignored yet critical health secrets that were total game-changers for me…

Secrets I wished someone had shared with me sooner.

Because if they had…

I wouldn’t have wasted so many years of my life visiting doctor after doctor, none of whom had any intention to help me heal…

… As I suffered with health issues that could have been reversed by implementing the right strategies and protocols!

Bonus #2:

The Healing Rosie Lab Tracker

This was the first tool that really empowered me to start learning what was happening in my own body…

And helped me chart my own course to true healing.

It allowed me to understand my own labs…

And prepared me to have more meaningful conversations with my doctors so I could address the issues that were most important to me.

This is the same exact tool that’s helped thousands of women in the Healing Rosie community to climb in the driver’s seat and get the support they need from their care team so they can begin healing.

Bonus #3:

The Healing Rosie Recommended Reading Library

You’ll also get access to my highly recommended healing books for every woman.

These are the books I’ve read and trust to provide real, accurate and credible information to help you understand your symptoms and condition, which some doctors cannot or don’t want to explain further.

These books are great resources to help guide you through healing, recovering your radiant health and energy and maintaining it - without all the unnecessary stress, guesswork and frustration...

But the most important thing I want to give you
today is HOPE.

Because you don’t have to settle for your doctor’s complacency about your health and healing.

You don’t have to give up on…

Until your life is over.

There ARE solutions…

And they are NOT just a bunch of expensive prescriptions or procedures that make your symptoms worse while they erode your health.…

Inside this book, I’m highlighting the NATURAL, non-invasive ways you can take control of your health…

So you’ll rarely need to cut away body parts, or shell out for toxic prescriptions to manage your symptoms…

And you can do it all holistically.

NOW it’s time to start... TODAY.

I can’t stand the thought of another incredible woman like my cousin, Jan, becoming an unnecessary casualty of this sinister system…

A system that is robbing the world of healthy, vibrant, intelligent women each and every day…

Whether it’s locking them away in bodies that limit what they can do and how they can show up in the world…

Or taking their lives.

So, please, get a copy of this book for yourself and the other incredible women in your life today…

I’ve made it available in a simple PDF format for maximum accessibility…

And it’s completely free of fluff.

It’s packed with the secrets you need to live a life that is not just long…

It’s full of good health, vitality and life on your terms!

A life where aging does not rob you of:

Where menopause is NOT a death sentence to the joy and fun in your life…

And where you can be your best self, and live a full and vibrant life each day!

I’m so excited for you to reclaim and enjoy your quality of life as you get older…

So many women just like you have started reclaiming their life, and I want your name on this list!

They’ve empowered themselves to learn what's going on in their bodies so they can both advocate for themselves with their care team…

And discover what protocols and lifestyle changes could empower them to completely heal.

Here’s what other women just like you are saying:

So, if you’re ready to stop feeling the way you’re feeling right now…

… and to have a clearer understanding of why you’re feeling flabby, foggy, and fatigued every single day…

If you want to:

If you want to regain your health and live your best life so you NEVER have to worry about showing up powerfully in the future for you and your family...

get your copy of How To Escape the Doctor Trap now for only $27

Once you click that button, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout.

All you need to do is to fill in an email address where we can send your book and add your
payment information.

Every purchase of this book allows me to continue spreading this word and getting this
vital information into the hands of as many women who need it as possible...

I want to empower you to confidently understand what's going on in your body so you can get real help and real results that leave you feeling like yourself again…

I want you to:

I want to empower you to heal, feel better, and regain life on your own terms!

Which is why I'm offering you this guidebook...

So you can navigate the system and escape the traps that are keeping you from enjoying your best and healthiest life!

Regardless of whether you’re just getting started on this health journey…

Or you’ve been agonizing over your health challenges for 5, 10, or 20 years or more…

If you’ve “tried everything” and wasted money on doctors, practitioners, and therapy that didn’t work…

That’s right - I guarantee this book will help you...

While never having to settle for being dismissed, ignored, or belittled by the people who are supposed to be helping you again!

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you don’t experience this for yourself after reading,
you can get every penny of your investment in this book back…

No questions asked.

Plus, I’m giving you 30 days to not only read the book…

But to put some of the secrets and advice I’m sharing inside to use and experience the benefits firsthand.

Many of the women I've helped have started feeling relief from their worst symptoms in as little as a few days, with significant improvement in weeks...

I know life can get busy.

I know you have a lot on your plate…

... and often your needs and desires come last.

I know how hard it can be to kick that habit of procrastinating your healing, setting your needs on the back burner, and putting everyone else in your life first.

So I'm giving you 30 days to kickstart your journey by using the tools and information I'm sharing today...

And if 30 days from now, you’re not feeling better, more empowered, and starting to get the relief you’ve been chasing for so long…

… just email my team at [email protected] and I’ll personally pay for your copy of the book...

And you’ll even get to keep your copy.

You’ve suffered enough and you deserve to enjoy a life that’s happy, healthy and worth living…

To live a vibrant life with your family and loved ones, which you may have missed out on for years because you’ve been struggling to function.

Now, you can turn the tide and heal yourself!

You have two choices.


You can take this book and discover the amazing, life-changing information that will help you escape the medical mansplaining trap…

… and start seeing amazing improvements in your health and life that you’ve been longing for years (amen!).


Or, you can just ignore this book and stay stuck...

Frustrated with your doctors…

Agonizing over “unknown” health issues that your care team can’t resolve…

Spending money on protocols that don't make you feel any better…

And going in circles, not finding any of the answers or solutions that will help you heal.

You don’t have to settle for so-called “aging” making
you feel flabby, foggy, and fatigued every day anymore.

You don’t have to listen to your doctors.

Ultimately, you DON’T have to suffer like me or my cousin Jan or the millions of other women who’ve been trapped, dismissed, and ignored.

I’m giving you the information and support you need to help you heal, thrive, and be healthy again.

All you need to do is make a stand for your healing and take control so you can get your life back!

That’s the choice you have right now…

And the choice you’re making no matter what decision you make today.

And while I sincerely hope you’ll join our community on the path to true, lasting healing by getting a copy of How to Escape the Doctor Trap for yourself today...

I’m completely satisfied so long as YOU make a choice you feel confident and incredible about.

Thanks for reading and see you on the other side!


Get Your Copy of Escape the Doctor Trap Now for only $27

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