REVEALED: Why Doctors Tell You “You’re Normal”
and IGNORE Critical Warning Signs on Your Labs...

Take Back Your Power, Learn to Understand Your Blood Lab Results (it’s easy!), and Conquer Mysterious Symptoms with a Doctor Who Really Listens!

“Misty, your labs are normal. I promise you everything is fine.” 

“Besides the truth is… even if I did run more labs, I wouldn’t know what they meant.”

It was as if my world shattered into a million pieces right there and then.

How on earth do doctors NOT know what labs are saying?

Take Back Your Power, Learn to Understand Your Blood Lab Results (it’s easy!), and Conquer Mysterious Symptoms with a Doctor Who Really Listens!

“Misty, your labs are normal. I promise you everything is fine.” 

“Besides the truth is… even if I did run more labs, I wouldn’t know what they meant.”

It was as if my world shattered into a million pieces right there and then.

How on earth do doctors NOT know what labs are saying?

Dear sister,

If you’re a woman who’s been down the winding road of unexplained symptoms…

You’ve probably heard these FRUSTRATINGLY dismissive lines all too often:

“Yeah, ‘female problems.’ Sure.”

“Here are some pills. Should stop the bleeding in 24 hours.”


“It’s just stress, or a touch of the flu.”


“Oh honey, sometimes women just get a lot of these at your age. They eventually go away.”

Or the WORST dismissal of all: it’s all in your head…

It’s a story we’ve heard too many times… 

And it’s left countless women POWERLESS as their health spins out of control…


Like these ladies, you too might be enduring a silent struggle, feeling like a COMPLETE stranger in your own body.

Only to be told you’re imagining things.

Whatever you’re feeling becomes non-existent because…


Not being taken seriously enough to be treated is GUTTING.

And it’s especially frustrating when you’ve got symptoms all over your body but nothing shows on the usual labs …

Because then, doctors STOP searching for another explanation.

And it becomes HARDER as a patient to stand your ground.


Not being taken seriously enough to be treated is GUTTING.

And it’s especially frustrating when you’ve got symptoms all over your body but nothing shows on the usual labs …

Because then, doctors STOP searching for another explanation.

And it becomes HARDER as a patient to stand your ground.

This Ends Here and Now!

You no longer have to take your doctor’s opinion


With the right tools and guidance, you can understand the language your body speaks and decode your body’s mysteries. You can:

You no longer have to take your doctor’s opinion


With the right tools and guidance, you can understand the language your body speaks and decode your body’s mysteries. You can:

It’s not a dream.

It’s your right.

Truth is, you can liberate yourself from the relentless cycle of doctor appointments that seem to lead nowhere…

…where your precious time and resources are drained without answers.

It’s not a dream.

It’s your right.

Truth is, you can liberate yourself from the relentless cycle of doctor appointments that seem to lead nowhere…

…where your precious time and resources are drained without answers.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal:

Hi, my name is Misty Williams.

For ten long years, I battled to reclaim what felt like a STOLEN vitality after a botched surgery to remove an endometrial cyst in 2011.

Every step was a struggle, burdened by fatigue that seemed unshakeable.

My brain fog was so dense it felt suffocating…

And at just 38, my hormones plunged into chaos… leaving me in a laundry list of more mysterious symptoms.

nothing felt right anymore.

I felt adrift in my own body, clueless about managing this NEW reality.
I didn’t know enough to ask the RIGHT questions.
I felt utterly lost.

I thought I knew it all. Or I believed that my doctor did.

But I was dead WRONG.

The realization dawned that I was living a stress-filled existence…

One that lacked the support I desperately needed to thrive.

I was like a 7-week old rose, wilting in its vase…

So, I turned to my primary care doctor for help.

My doctor growing up was someone I’d always viewed as very open-minded and collaborative…

So I was pretty sure I could enroll her in helping me with these symptoms I couldn’t shake.

Unfortunately, my pleas for deeper investigation were met with resistance.

“Misty, you don’t need more labs: your labs are normal, things are fine, everything’s fine.”

I pushed harder.

“I’m not myself! I’m exhausted, my mind’s in a fog, I’m emotional. This isn’t normal!”

“Trust me, everything’s fine,” she reassured me.

“It’s NOT fine! Something’s really wrong!”

Finally, the admission came: “Even if I ran more labs, I wouldn’t know what they meant.”

Everything inside of me was trembling, but I just kept pushing.

Exasperated, she referred me to an endocrinologist in her practice, who agreed to see me on the spot.

Only to hear the SAME frustrating refrain: your labs are normal.

It became a cruel cycle, repeated in every doctor’s office I entered over the next few years.


Each visit felt like a plunge into a bottomless pit of hopelessness.

And I’m so sorry knowing this has been the same for you and countless women, even today. 

It’s an agonizing echo that resonates through the corridors of medical care, leaving us feeling UNHEARD and UNSEEN.

Those neatly printed numbers and reassuring words “within the normal range” feels like a lifeline…

A sign that everything is okay… 

But in reality, the results might just be a misfit, failing to capture the nuances of your health.

"Normal" doesn't mean "optimal"...

...and it DEFINITELY doesn't mean "healthy."

When your results fall within this “normal range,” it might mean that you’re not on the brink of a diagnosable illness…

But it doesn’t guarantee you’re thriving either…

You could be hovering in the gray zone of SUBOPTIMAL health…

Where fatigue lingers, your mental clarity remains foggy and that extra weight just won’t budge…

All while your lab results declare you “normal.”
Your “normal” labs might not reflect how you TRULY feel inside.



Yet… It’s the very system that doctors rely on.

Those magic numbers that supposedly define what’s “normal” when it comes to your lab results?

They’re designed as a GENERIC guideline… A statistical average of the population.

So their default response: “You’re fine, your labs are normal.”

The system assumes that what’s “normal” for one person SHOULD be “normal” for everyone…

But we’re not all made the same.

Two people could have the same set of symptoms but the root causes are different.

You have your OWN set of genetic quirks, lifestyle choices and individual health goals…

Your unique body, your unique experiences and your unique health challenges deserve more than a one-size-fits-all answer…



You deserve to feel your best, have abundant energy and live life to the fullest.

When a doctor hands you a prescription for antidepressants because your labs are “normal,” it’s like handing you a band-aid for a broken leg…

It doesn’t address the root cause of your struggles…

And it doesn’t consider that you might be on a different path to optimal health.

It’s a “lie” of convenience in a system that often prioritizes efficiency over your individual well-being…

But you deserve BETTER than that…

You deserve a solution tailored to YOU…

You deserve to uncover the REAL reasons behind your symptoms…


There is a reason that you’re dealing with these symptoms, and…

It’s not your fault, sister.

To find out why that is, I had to travel back centuries. 

From the beginning of medicine, a woman’s differenceS to man has marked her as INFERIOR.

In ancient times, it was the womb – the most obvious point of difference – that was thought to be causing all manner of ills experienced by women.

Plato characterised the womb as a voracious animal wandering the female body and sucking its life force. 

Why are women still being treated as
hysterical, overly emotional, anxious, and unreliable witnesses to their own wellbeing?

Why don’t they trust us?

The answer turns out to be quite simple:


Women weren’t included in clinical trials until the 1990s. 

And while we make up 70% of chronic pain patients, 80% of pain medication has been tested only on men. 

Making matters worse, medical students are never taught about this knowledge bias. 

Yet, many doctors still expect women to display the same symptoms as men for ALL conditions.

The women crowding their waiting rooms – the women who they CAN’T help – are there not because they’re hysterical or making it up or like being sick or want the attention… 

But because they are sick and in pain, and medical science has NO answers for them.

But you know what I discovered? 

Many of these conditions can be well-managed

IF they’re caught early.

There is ONE game-changer that every single one of us needs to do in this health battle we’re all facing. 

Just one move that shifts everything, unlocking the doors to the answers you’ve been searching for.

It’s the pivot point where you finally get those crucial labs done and receive the tailored support you deserve. 

There is ONE game-changer that every single one of us needs to do in this health battle we’re all facing. 

Just one move that shifts everything, unlocking the doors to the answers you’ve been searching for.

It’s the pivot point where you finally get those crucial labs done and receive the tailored support you deserve. 

This, my sister, is the key to shedding that weight, banishing that brain fog and reclaiming the energy you thought was lost forever.

It’s that critical turn that transforms the narrative of your health journey, where
personalized care becomes your new norm.

This one thing—when embraced—holds the power to rewrite your story.

And that one thing is…


You MUST be empowered to ADVOCATE for yourself.

There’s nothing more important than you getting a handle on your health.

Sometimes, what you really need is a DEEPER understanding to raise the bar on what true healing means.

Invest in your learning instead of expecting your practitioner to figure all of this out for you.

The way our doctors are practicing?

It’s a band-aid approach, managing symptoms with prescriptions and surgeries.
They’re missing the mark by not digging into the root cause.

And even if they do, the tests are often incomplete. 

But if you learn and run the RIGHT labs, you can suss out what’s really going on in your body so you can claim your health and life back.

There could be numerous underlying health issues deep within your system that require thorough testing.

That’s why getting to the bottom of this is vital—because your health deserves more than just a patch job.

And you, especially, need to make sure that you’re running the test to rebalance the body because the body is designed to heal itself.

When you rebalance the body, it’ll do the healing job.

BACK THEN, I didn’t know what labs I needed to run.

And if I did run the right labs, I had no way of orienting myself to learn what my labs meant.

It pained me to think that I had NO CHOICE but to rely on doctors to interpret my results. 

Sometimes I even had to wait for MONTHS before I could see them.

While waiting, my body was mutating. 

Nothing I tried was working. 

I was researching and consuming tons of information but couldn’t get the answers I desperately needed…

Until I met Dr. Jack Kruse, a neurosurgeon from Nashville and was the keynote speaker at the first Paleo f(x) in Austin.

He also told me to explore bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

He taught me the critical labs I needed to run. 

When I got my labs back, he helped me understand what my numbers meant and the optimal ranges I should aim for.

Making sense of my own labs was

Game Changer

It empowered me to hop into the driver’s seat of my healing journey and become a partner with my doctor/practitioner.

I tracked everything I was learning – the labs I needed to run, optimal ranges, what low and high numbers meant and my results…

When doctors told me my labs were normal, I knew I had to figure out what the ideal lab ranges were…

Or I was going to be STUCK in a system that was just waiting for me to get sicker and need more surgery or prescription drugs to manage my symptoms.

and so the

sparked to life.

It’s the first-ever tool that helped me understand what was happening inside my body and, more importantly, moved the needle in my healing journey!

The Healing Rosie Lab Tracker gives you a COMPLETE list of the serum (blood) labs you need to run to assess overall health, including key thyroid, hormone, and viral labs, and their functional lab ranges.

In the lab tracker, I’ve listed all the optimizing labs and their optimal values, not the disease ranges that show up on your lab report.

But something was still missing…

I soon discovered that there was ONE MORE THING women needed when it came to ordering the right labs and interpreting their results:

A training on how to use the lab tracker… so they can maximize its potential in helping them navigate their healing journey and not get stuck just tracking numbers.

And that’s why I’m thrilled to introduce:

This online program was specifically created to help you see the FULL picture of what is happening inside your body so you can start figuring out what you need to do to TRULY heal and reclaim your life!

It’s a self-paced video course that will help you:

This online program was specifically created to help you see the FULL picture of what is happening inside your body so you can start figuring out what you need to do to TRULY heal and reclaim your life!

It’s a self-paced video course that will help you:

what's inside the program


How To Hack Your Labs with Dr. Michele Stanford

Dr. Michele will teach the basics of lab hacking to help you feel more confident analyzing your own labs.

You’ll discover:


The Ultimate Guide To Dialing In Your Mineral Levels For Detox And Healing with Barton Scott

Dr. Barton unpacks the pivotal role minerals play in our overall health and the often-overlooked impact of nutritional deficiencies minerals to the healing journey.

You’ll discover:


Thyroid Lab Hacking with Elle Russ

Elle Russ, the author of Your Paleo Thyroid Solution, dedicates this entire session to hacking thyroid labs and analyzes the labs of 4 women from Healing Rosie University.

You’ll discover:


How to Test for EBV and How It Affects Energy and Sleep with Dr. Kasia Kines

Dr. Kasia Kines peels the onion on the Epstein Barr Virus and how it correlates with flabby, foggy and fatigued symptoms.

You’ll discover:


Dutch Test Lab Hacking Session with Lauren Colletti NP

In this training, Lauren reviews several DUTCH tests, including mine. We dig into understanding different profiles and treatment paths for women so that you know where to start optimizing your hormones.

You’ll discover:


Andropause: Improving Sleep and Energy for Men with Dr. Alan Hopkins

In this phenomenal interview, Dr. Alan delves into the fascinating world of hormone and anti-aging, shedding light on aspects that often elude even seasoned functional medicine practitioners.

You’ll discover:

Learn the right labs to run and put the puzzle together… Redirect your journey to a healing trajectory for only
$99 (reg. $199)

what you get with this program

$49 value

$99 value

$99 value

$99 value

$99 value

$99 value

$99 value

$99 value

You can get instant access to everything for a one-time, single, secure payment of just $99!
That means you save $643!

what you get with this program

total value $742

just $99

You can get instant access to everything for a one-time, single, secure payment of just $99!
That means you save $643!

don't let yourself ever be dismissed again, sister!

Instead of simply telling your doctor, “I just don’t feel myself…” 

Nail down those specifics – struggling to focus, waking up multiple times per night, hot flashes…

It all matters. 

Imagine the power of knowing exactly what your body needs. 

No more banging your head against the wall. 

No more living in the dark.

Lab Hacking Secrets will empower you to become the EXPERT in your own health. 

You’ll gain the insights, protocols, and confidence to not only address those mystery symptoms but to take charge of your well-being with authority.



Sign up, own your health journey and unlock the mind-blowing insights waiting to empower you to understand your body on a whole new level.

…and finally reclaim your voice, get the answers you deserve and enjoy your BEST life ever.


Stay stuck and unseen, battling those pesky “unknown” health issues that your care team can’t seem to crack. 

And pouring your hard-earned cash into treatments that offer zilch in return.

Once you hit that button, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout. 

Your information is 100% confidential to ensure total privacy.

All you need to do is to fill in an email address (where we can send your login information) and add your payment information.

You can feel confident that you’re about to stop struggling and finally have CLARITY on your health. 

No more confusion. No more frustration.

And when you reflect on your life, you’ll remember this moment as a BIG turning point…

Because this is the time when things finally click into gear for you. 

You won’t have to worry like you did before.

You no longer have to feel stuck and frustrated like you did before. 

Right now, your life CAN change.

I really hope you don’t sign off your life to mystery symptoms and doctors who dismiss your struggles with a simple ‘you’re fine,’ handing out pills like they’re the solution to everything.

I can’t wait for you to experience the same triumphs I have, alongside the countless women I’ve guided through this journey. 

See you on the brighter side of reclaiming your health!


Hack your labs and get proper diagnosis- $99 only

Go through the entire program and soak in every secret, tip and hack we’ve got lined up for you in Lab Hacking Secrets.  

And if for any reason you don’t feel like we’ve blown your mind with the value we’re dishing out – no sweat.  

Email my team at [email protected], and I’ll personally send you your money back.

No questions, no hassle. 

I know you didn’t stick around just out of curiosity, did you? 

This isn’t just a peek behind the medical curtain.

This is your ticket to unraveling the mysteries inside your body, cracking the code on what actually works for you — protocols, treatments, supplements tailored to your unique needs.

Know EXACTLY which labs to run, and uncover those aha moments that will finally untangle those nagging symptoms.

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