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How Your Fascia Stores Pain, Trauma and Grief in Your Body–and How to Release It

When I was in my 30s, I used to run half marathons. I just loved the discipline and feeling so fit and strong … developing my cardiovascular fitness was amazing. I used to hate the idea of running and avoid it at all costs! After a couple of years of running, I started developing nagging injuries that knocked me off the road. I used Zyflamend, an awesome anti-inflammatory, to control the swelling, and while it helped, ultimately, I had a problem with my form that had to be corrected so I wouldn’t keep injuring myself. To help my body heal, I was referred to an amazing massage therapist who explained how all of this muscular tissue all over my whole body functions as one whole organism, called fascia. And how, for us to fix the fascia around my joints that was overly-tight, he was going to have to work on the fascia on the opposite side (and end!) of my body! Today we’re going to talk to my friend Shivan Sarna about fascia. This is going to be a fantastic conversation if:
    • You have been dealing with fascia and chronic pain in your life
    • You’re experiencing these little nagging injuries from working out
    • You’re dealing with something bigger, like pain that might be tied to an autoimmune condition
    • You’ve got a lot of scar tissue that is creating other issues for you

Shivan is going to teach us about fascia pain rescue, how it stores trauma and stress, and what we need to help it heal and recover.

In this episode:
    • 3 crazy yet simple, effective ways to release adhesions and scars
    • Feeling tightness in your muscles and body? How to properly hydrate
    • The secret behind your fascia and how it holds trauma and grief
    • The simple method you can do today to “structure water” and use it to heal your body
    • Sneaky biohacks to dissolve your scar tissues


4:17 –  Helping us understand fascia 

7:04 – Why a car accident motivated Shivan to do a Summit on fascia 

8:20 – How she realized she’s storing trauma and grief in her body

09:21 – How her co-host almost died in a car accident 

09:45 – How your fascia holds trauma

12:45 – Internal scarring and the role it plays on chronic pain 

14:36 – 3 ways you can address adhesions, fascia and scars 

15:02 – How neural therapy can release tissue without dissolving it and resets the nerves. 

15:36 – Using foam rollers to release fascia trauma

16:43 – How systemic enzyme helps dissolve scar tissue 

17:50 – Why it’s important to get properly hydrated 

18:27 – What is structured water 

21:17 – Masaru Emoto’s experiment on water molecules 

24:25 – The Fascia and Chronic Pain Rescue Summit

25:37 – How an experiment of putting immune challenge made the fascia shrink

resources mentioned


Misty Williams  00:01

Hey, sister, this is Misty Williams, founder of healingrosie.com. And I’m so excited to welcome you to Rosie radio. Tune in to find clarity, direction and hope for your healing. 


Misty Williams  00:10

New episodes drop every Tuesday, we created this show to empower you to regain control of your life and feel like yourself again.


Misty Williams  00:18

 Yes, sister it is possible. So not a lot of  that. I used to run half marathons in my mid 30s, I probably did six different races, and I loved it. 


Misty Williams  00:30

I loved running, I was a consistent trainer for about five years. And I actually thought that I would probably run for the rest of my life. It was really Zen for me.


Misty Williams  00:30

I loved being really disciplined about something really consistent. And a couple of years in, I started getting the little nagging injuries, the little tears and my knees and my ankles, right? 


Misty Williams  00:52

And at first I had  some extra support and keep running. But then it got to the point where I had to stop for periods of time and let my body heal.


Misty Williams  01:00

I would be out running and I would get an ankle injury that was just really painful. There wasn’t anything majorly wrong with my ankle other than probably a little tear. 


Misty Williams  01:00

But it was really painful to run. I remember using ibuprofen to try to get back on the road as we said, and four weeks later, I’d go back out and dang it! what? I just injured my ankle again. 


Misty Williams  01:23

A friend told me about zyflamend, if you do not know about zyflamend it should be in your medicine cabinet. It’s a fabulous anti-inflammatory, I started taking zyflamend which was fantastic.


Misty Williams  01:33

It got me back on the road quicker. But then stuff what happened with my knees, a little tendonitis here, little tendonitis there. 


Misty Williams  01:39

And finally it got to the point where I was like Man! If I’m really serious about this, I really need to figure out what’s going on with my legs.


Misty Williams  01:46

So a few friends started talking to me about running form. And I started learning about what good form looks but  beginning to run with better form didn’t fix what was going on in my legs. 


Misty Williams  01:58

So I got a referral to this amazing massage therapist when I was in Nashville. His name is Lewis Braswell, if you’re in Nashville, email me and I’ll give you his info. 


Misty Williams  02:09

He was fantastic. He was the first one that started talking to me about my body and my fascia, and all of this muscular tissue over my whole body kind of being thinking of it as one organism, one thing, right?


Misty Williams  02:25

And he checked out my form, he noticed that my calves were really tight and it was from my running form and looked at a lot of other things structurally. 


Misty Williams  02:36

How they do and have you stand and move and have your toes and, and told me that he needed at least five sessions to work with me. 


Misty Williams  02:44

But he wasn’t going to just work with my lower body, he was going to spend time on my shoulders, on my back, on my neck, all to help alleviate what was going on in my calves.


Misty Williams  02:54

 Essentially that was just it was affecting my body everywhere. So I got a whole new appreciation for how our bodies are wired up, so to speak, and what happens with our fascia.


Misty Williams  03:09

On the podcast today we’re going to talk to my friend Shivan about fascia. She has an event coming up, a summit coming up called fascia and chronic pain. 


Misty Williams  03:19

And we are going to get into this topic of fascia a little more. Because if you have been dealing with chronic pain at all in your life, whether it’s just these little nagging injuries from working out.


Misty Williams  03:30

 If you’re dealing with something bigger, the pain that might be tied to an autoimmune condition, or maybe you’re getting older and you just feel everything’s creaking. 


Misty Williams  03:38

And you just don’t move like you used to or you’re getting out of bed in the morning and it’s oh, it takes you a few steps to be able to stand up straight. 


Misty Williams  03:46

This is going to be a fantastic conversation that I think you’ll be really glad you made time for today’s so Shivan Sarna has been a TV host for over 20 years.


Misty Williams  03:57

She is the author of Healing SIBO and the creator of 10 major online media health events ranging from such diverse topics of gut health to biological dentistry.


Misty Williams  04:06

She teaches people to blend metaphysical and yoga principles with modern life missions. Welcome Shivan 


Shivan Sarna  04:12

Hi, it’s good to see you. I’m loving your running story. And I love that you had that whole body discovery with that great practitioner in Tennessee. 


Shivan Sarna  04:24

Fascia is referred to often by the speakers that we have for the fascia and chronic pain rescue Summit, as a fabric running through the body.


Shivan Sarna  04:36

One of the speakers talked about it as being a fishnet stocking running through the body, which I thought was great imagery. 


Shivan Sarna  04:43

It touches everything and keeps everything in place. And it’s the cells that touches but also the space between the cells. 


Shivan Sarna  04:53

And in medical school for years gone by, they would go into the cadaver labs, these medical students and one of the stories was they used to pull the fascia up.


Shivan Sarna  05:03

Think of it like a chicken breast when you get to the market, and then you lift the skin up and then there’s the sticky film. 


Shivan Sarna  05:11

And it’s hard to pull off. The medical students used to be, Oh!, I can’t wait to get rid of this stuff. And they would throw it away, because the good stuff was the muscles in the organs. 


Shivan Sarna  05:20

But in actuality, the fascia fortunately, based on research and cutting edge, literally new developments from some folks that are really seriously and legitimately daily making discoveries.


Shivan Sarna  05:38

Emerging as this incredibly powerful, juicy, wonderful mechanism in our body to help regulate our immune system and our structure and organ digestion and the gut microbiome. 


Shivan Sarna  05:43

So it’s really important and that’s why I wanted to talk about it. And thanks for having me. And that’s why Kelly Kennedy, the lymph queen, and I did this summit together. 


Misty Williams  05:47

Lymph and Fascia. Both are two areas of the body that don’t get very much airtime, right? But they profoundly affect our overall health, our ability, our ability to detoxify, our ability to move freely, without pain. 


Misty Williams  05:51

There’s so much to these little nuanced areas of the body. And I think it’d be really interesting for people to hear your story in your background with this topic.


Misty Williams  06:12

Because you were involved in a car accident. You are someone that you would think of as being really in tune with your body, right? and movement, and all of those things. 


Misty Williams  06:34

And you had a traumatic event that I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that changed your relationship to all of this.


Shivan Sarna  06:41

I wanted to have conversations about it. So we did that. And then I kept thinking we should do a Fascia summit and I didn’t want to do it, honestly, because I was way busy. 


Shivan Sarna  06:41

It’s true, So a couple of things. One is that I did also a summit on the lymphatic system. The Lymphatic rescue Summit, because of what you just said, and how it’s an underserved part of our bodies.


Shivan Sarna  07:02

But Kelly was, yes!, you have to do it. And then Dr. Christine Shaffner was yes!, you have to do it. And so we did it together. 


Shivan Sarna  07:07

But why I wanted to do it is because the fascia has had a lot of impact on me for most of my life without me realizing it gotten to actually several car accidents, none of which were my fault legitimately. 


Shivan Sarna  07:20

Even from just fender benders to being sideswiped, by being hit with the car behind me going 110 miles an hour while I was going probably 75. 


Shivan Sarna  07:31

And what that did to me and just this whole drip campaign and my bucket became very full of a lot of tightness and as a yoga teacher with mild Ehlers Danlos.


Shivan Sarna  07:44

Which is a collagen genetic scenario where you tend to be quite lacks. I’m not a Cirque du Soleil performer, but I have lacks joints, I can be very hyper mobile.


Shivan Sarna  07:56

 And it just started getting a lot of pain. And These are my 20s and 30s, like old lady pain. And I got raft. Integrative hospital integration.


Shivan Sarna  08:14

 I mean, all of this series of bodywork, massage, all of this, and ultimately they were all working on my fascia, but I didn’t have that word. I didn’t understand it. 


Shivan Sarna  08:23

Right. Yeah. And so a couple of things happened. One was that my mother died in 1997 from lymphoma, so I really wanted to get off that lymph message. 


Shivan Sarna  08:33

And I remember being in the wrong thing session shortly after she died. And no, it was okay. But I was grieving, deeply grieving. 


Shivan Sarna  08:41

And the raft pressed on some spots at the top of my thighs kind of like were the button at the thighs. And oh my gosh, I burst into tears. 


Shivan Sarna  08:52

Understandably, right. So I mean, I was grieving who knows, but it was a button. She would move on to different body parts.


Shivan Sarna  08:59

She’d come back to that body part. And it was, touch cry, touch, cry, touch cry. It was crazy. And I’ll never forget that. 


Shivan Sarna  09:08

And again, later, I understood that I was holding some trauma and grief in that part of my body, which makes a lot of sense. 


Shivan Sarna  09:17

So basically, I wanted to make sure that everyone found out what was going on in the new world of fascia. And by the way, Kelly Kennedy, my co host, she was the very much into lymph knowledge. 


Shivan Sarna  09:30

And on fascia, she almost died in a car accident, it was literally scalped. And so her experience with fascia, with resolving the scars from those car accidents.


Shivan Sarna  09:42

 And how when she resolved the scars in her body, that she was out of pain. And this was a huge lightbulb for her. So the fascial holds trauma. It holds us together is incredible.


Shivan Sarna  09:55

If you have an injury or you’re rotated and a sword a certain way or you’re twisted. The body needs to stabilize that fascia is going to come in handy, right? and come in and do its job and thicken in certain areas.


Shivan Sarna  10:09

And if you like repetitive injury from your  running example, it’s doing its job, but we have to help it as much as possible. 


Shivan Sarna  10:18

And when it’s out of balance, it’s painful. So there are things you can do fortunately, and the way I got really turned on finally to this term fascia, and what it was.


Shivan Sarna  10:30

I went to a melt method training, which is Su hips, means modality of soft foam rollers and small balls to help with fluidity and release stuck, stress, and all the great language that she has. 


Shivan Sarna  10:47

And this was in 2013. So in 2013, was the first time that I ever saw a video with Tom Meyers about cadavers, and about what fascia was in relation to our bodies.


Shivan Sarna  11:01

And it was just light bulbs exploding in my brain. I’m Oh!, my gosh, wait a minute. And then the work of being on the soft foam roller and very specific ways. I felt it. 


Shivan Sarna  11:13

And I was like, again, bing, bing, bing, okay, this is what’s been missing. This is what I’ve been craving. And it was just a huge transformation for me. So,


Misty Williams  11:25

I want to talk a little bit about scar tissue, because there’s a lot of us who are dealing with challenges from scar tissue and don’t know it. 


Misty Williams  11:34

Women can have scarring after bearing children. Of course, they can have scarring from a hysterectomy from having your tubes tied from what I actually noticed a couple of weeks ago. 


Misty Williams  11:50

I think I’ve kind of noticed this before, but I noticed  it really got my attention. I was feeling on my abdomen from the left to the right. 


Misty Williams  11:59

And I came across scar tissue from a surgery I had when I was 11. 


Shivan Sarna  12:05

Oh my gosh, right?. 


Misty Williams  12:07

But I’m feeling that scar tissue. This is more than I ever remember being here, right? 


Misty Williams  12:15

There are women who come to the Healing Rosie, Facebook group and talk about their experience with hysterectomy and how their bodies are never the same. 


Misty Williams  12:24

They’re dealing with prolapsed uteruses, and all sorts of things where our bodies experienced trauma. And we also experienced surgeries.


Misty Williams  12:32

A lot of abdominal surgeries, where we’re dealing with scarring, and the effects of basically, going in and moving things around and taking things out and all of that stuff. 


Misty Williams  12:45

So I’d love to just maybe unpack that a little bit, give us a little bit of education around scarring, and its role in chronic pain. And maybe if you have some great tips on what people can do, that would be really fantastic.


Shivan Sarna  12:57

Absolutely. So in the world of SIBO, Emo IVs. Scarring internally, we talk a lot about adhesions, which is really the gathering of that fascia. 


Shivan Sarna  13:11

After you have a surgery, you want your body to remit restitch back together, and it’s stronger than steel. And so in a good way, it’s holding you together, but you want to resolve that. 


Shivan Sarna  13:24

So once it’s done with that job, yeah, done this beautiful job. So the adhesions can pull the tissue out of place to impact the migrating motor complex.


Shivan Sarna  13:34

Which is the sweeping motion of the small intestine and can lead to overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, which can lead to SIBO.


Shivan Sarna  13:41

Small intestine bacterial overgrowth, which is a huge passion of mine, because I had it, but not from scars, but from food poisoning. 


Shivan Sarna  13:49

But that is one of the underlying causes. And then it’s not just surgeries. So the seat belt dug into my stomach when I had the car accident in 1991.


Shivan Sarna  14:03

And during a visceral manipulation, cranial sacral session, this wonderful therapist, basically sort of slit her hands underneath my stomach, which sounds crazy, but she is very gifted. 


Shivan Sarna  14:16

And she’s, Oh my gosh!, it’s like a desert under there. And it was just adhesions that had compressed my tissue there. And she did her work, and then my stomach gurgle for three days. 


Shivan Sarna  14:31

It was crazy. We are moving. We’re cooking with steam now. So there are ways to address adhesions, fascia, scars, and that one of them is visceral manipulation, hands on therapy. 


Shivan Sarna  14:46

There’s all kinds but you have it’s really beyond a typical massage therapist. You want to find someone who’s truly passionate about and that’s their main jam is cranial sacral visceral manipulation.


Shivan Sarna  14:57

 You can look at the Upledger Institute or the Barral Institute and find people around the world who do that work. And then the other thing you can do is neural therapy.


Shivan Sarna  15:06

Which is injections of procaine, which is very biological medicine, very German, Dr. Anne Hill and the summit speaks about this. 


Shivan Sarna  15:06

And that can be injected directly into scars directly into tonsils, which sounds insane, I’ve had it done, it wasn’t as bad as it sounded.


Shivan Sarna  15:27

 I’m very opposed to pain and can be, can release that tissue without it dissolving and resets the nerves there. So you can do yourself work with foam rollers, not the hard ones.


Shivan Sarna  15:42

You can get a very gifted healer, hands on. And you could also do neural therapy, which is procaine injections, which not everyone does, not everyone’s even heard of, or even thought of. But there are ways to seek out a provider. 


Misty Williams  15:57

So let’s talk a little bit about fibrinogen and systemic enzymes. I’m curious if they have come up and all this talk about fascia because so many women deal with  endometriosis and different kinds of tissues where you’ve got coverage in the abdomen that can oftentimes create a lot of scarring and stuff. Any connection there?


Shivan Sarna  16:21

I honestly don’t know the answer to your question. I would imagine there would be but I did half the interviews. 


Shivan Sarna  16:27

Kelly did half the interview. So I hope they talked about it, because I don’t think we really did. And also, it’s a set of 14 masterclasses within the summit. 


Shivan Sarna  16:36

So I watched all of them. But we talked a lot about surgery in general.Yeah, well, 


Misty Williams  16:43

Systemic enzymes are really helpful for dissolving scar tissue.


Shivan Sarna  16:48



Misty Williams  16:48

The body naturally produces systemic enzymes, we have a lot more when we’re younger. As we get older, we don’t produce as many when we’re older.


Misty Williams  16:57

And sometimes that’s why we noticed an increase in our scarring and scar tissue and things of that nature. For women who have endometriosis, we can get a buildup of tissue inside our uterus of course. 


Misty Williams  17:10

And also outside and different parts of the body. And so systemic enzymes is a bio hack that I was actually referred to directly. 


Misty Williams  17:18

But I’ve also heard a lot of other people talk about the power of systemic enzymes to help dissolve some of that stuff, because our bodies don’t naturally produce it.


Shivan Sarna  17:26

That’s fantastic. The other thing that can also by the way, endometriosis can lead to SIBO as well, because again, it pulls the tissue. 


Shivan Sarna  17:35

But the other thing about that is fluidity. Dehydration is such an epidemic. And so we talked a lot about structured water, hydration.


Shivan Sarna  17:49

On how to make sure your body is hydrated, so that what we’ve been talking about you feel you’re creaky. You feel like you’re almost like your skin is shrinking onto yourself. 


Shivan Sarna  18:01

And therefore you feel really tight. A lot of times, the first thing to check is are you properly hydrated? Because it’s so taken for granted? I feel okay. Yeah. So get that good fluid in there.


Misty Williams  18:19

Talk a little bit about structured water for those that maybe aren’t very familiar with the term or maybe have heard it but don’t really get what it is.


Shivan Sarna  18:25

So Gina Bria is one of our speakers as well who is the Queen Mother of structured water. So I don’t have a scientific term for it. But I call it water with intention. 


Shivan Sarna  18:39

Water that your body can easily absorb and use and knows what to do with it. You can just for a hack, you can structure water, very primitively by sending your intention to the water.


Shivan Sarna  18:53

You can send vibration, you could put it in a canister that says love and gratitude, which were the terms that gave it the most beautiful structure, love and gratitude. 


Shivan Sarna  19:06

If you write down a word war, it doesn’t structure as well. It is actually disrupted. It’s fascinating. 


Misty Williams  19:13

So there’s real science, by the way, on all this stuff.


Shivan Sarna  19:17

Yeah, thank you. We had a couple of woowoo interviews, but they were so interesting that I kept them in there because I just like you couldn’t look away and they were fascinating. 


Shivan Sarna  19:30

And I had personal experiences with some of them. So there are a couple of them and we write that out, enjoy this metaphysical approach. 


Shivan Sarna  19:37

Expand your mind regarding fascia, and the body. For those people who really want to know what they’re getting into before they listen to something. 


Shivan Sarna  19:46

But I wanted to put it in there because that’s what our summits are for. It’s also to help you stretch your mind. And then one of my big things about summits since this was my ninth one.


Shivan Sarna  19:58

Since 2017 is sure To teach what you learn, because that is going to reinforce the messaging for you, but also help other people. So that’s just one of my sub themes.


Misty Williams  20:07

Yeah, I’ve heard structured people explaining what structure water is. I’ve heard them explain it as water that’s alive and not dead. 


Shivan Sarna  20:15



Misty Williams  20:17

See, your cells are able to absorb structured water, or better. There’s some really interesting perspectives.


Misty Williams  20:25

I’m trying to think of the water book before the four stages of water maybe. There are people who their jam and their life’s work is water.


Misty Williams  20:36

And the benefits of hydration and how to properly hydrate and what happens to our water, you think about how processed our water is, what happens when you process water? 


Misty Williams  20:47

And why is spring water better? Right? Why is it better to get water, from right out in nature versus water that’s been processed so much that it’s almost dead. 


Misty Williams  20:58

There’s some interesting conversations around structured water and reverse osmosis water, for example. 


Shivan Sarna  21:05

The controversy, The Hidden messages in water by Masaru Emoto. 


Shivan Sarna  21:12

So that’s the gentleman who did all the experiments with the molecules of water and they look like snowflakes, right? 


Shivan Sarna  21:21

The formations that they make when they are introduced to different words and concepts and vibrations. And so there’s a local spring where I live, and people go and get their water there legitimately. 


Shivan Sarna  21:35

When I heard it, I was like, what? Does that really happen? And so we went and checked it out. 


Shivan Sarna  21:42

It was fascinating. It was going back in time. And it was super cool. And there are people here who for generations have been drinking out of the spring. 


Shivan Sarna  21:52

And it literally is a spigot out of a side of cement. I mean, it’s not fancy. And Giardia scares me as a gut health patient. 


Shivan Sarna  22:07

And so I’m trying not to live in fear. But It’s just  that I’m not doing it because of that, because there’s just too many variables, especially today.


Shivan Sarna  22:18

I will take this controversy a little bit further. And I know a lot of people won’t agree with this. But I just steal my water, which people think is dead water.


Shivan Sarna  22:27

But for us at this stage of this moment, and in our detoxification efforts that we’re doing in this house, we’re doing the distilled at least I know exactly what’s in it.


Misty Williams  22:40

Yeah. What would you think of running spring water through something like the Berkey? 


Shivan Sarna  22:44

Great, awesome. Yeah. 


Misty Williams  22:46

Then we went last year to Arkansas. Yeah, Hot Springs, Arkansas to be precise, although they have springs all over that state. It’s not just in Hot Springs. And there were the spigots that you’re describing everywhere.


Misty Williams  23:00

People who’ve come and just fill up their bottles bring your five gallon jugs, I don’t know if they all bring big jugs to put their water in.


Misty Williams  23:07

 But it’s just a thing all over town or people can get water right from the earth or something about that. That does feel very natural. 


Shivan Sarna  23:15

Yes, for sure yes. 


Misty Williams  23:18

And I do tend to if I’m getting bottled water, the mountain spring water that’s in the glass bottles and things that do it does seem from my own research, that’s the way to go get some good micronutrients. 


Misty Williams  23:31

Yeah, water that you’re drinking too. But yeah, hydration is a big topic. It’s a big one. And a lot of us are dealing with dehydration and don’t even know it.


Misty Williams  23:38

 There’s ways you can spot it in your labs and other things. But for sure, you don’t want to be shriveled up old prone as they alter


Shivan Sarna  23:38

You don’t, it makes all the difference. And it makes all the difference in your organs and your science, the science of the body. 


Shivan Sarna  23:55

And if you see a pregnant woman, make sure she has a glass of water in her hand. I’ve been told to spread that message by a midwife. 


Shivan Sarna  24:04

It’s just so important. So have some hair. Cheers. Have some water.


Misty Williams  24:10

Yeah, Have some water will tell us a little bit more about this event. It’s airing in October. It’s airing in October. 


Shivan Sarna  24:16

The start date is October 24. Last week, it’s free. Well during that premiere. One of the other interesting things that I just wanted to mention is that the cadavers have been now able to be photographed in a microscopic way. 


Shivan Sarna  24:37

And so that has moved the research forward very quickly. And as well. There’s an international group that those cadaver discoveries have truly transformed the way the medical community is seeing fascia.


Shivan Sarna  24:55

 And one of the experiments, Dr. Slite was talking About this, and he’s in Germany, and he was talking about how everyone expected when they put the adrenaline stress on fascia they expected it to shrink. 


Shivan Sarna  25:13

Not a thing, nothing happened to the fascia not a look, I’m staring at this, the adrenaline was, put on it, they were expecting these reactions.


Shivan Sarna  25:23

 I don’t know the nuances. But the bottom line is, adrenaline did nothing. What didn’t do something to the fascia was exposed to an immune challenge.


Shivan Sarna  25:34

The fascia shrunk a millimeter a month, when it was exposed to an immunological challenge, which fascinated everybody.


Shivan Sarna  25:41

And it wasn’t expected. So just the fact that it was slower to receive than they thought as well, was really interesting. 


Misty Williams  25:54

What kind of immune challenge? An autoimmune? 


Shivan Sarna  25:58

It was a viral load that necessarily, but it was the body’s natural reaction to an immune challenge that then led to the shrinking of the fascia, millimeter per month. 


Shivan Sarna  26:13

That just blew my mind. I thought it was so interesting. So really, because we’ve talked about how you could have tightened fascia from injury from repetitive motion from sitting patterns, and all that. 


Shivan Sarna  26:26

But the immune system was a big bigger part of it than anyone had suspected. So there were some of the breakthroughs. 


Shivan Sarna  26:34

And he also had a handheld ultrasound machine, where they could tell if you can buy on Amazon, which is crazy, that you could tell if part of your problem was muscular, or if it was the fascia. 


Shivan Sarna  26:50

That’s crazy. That’s yeah, really, really interesting stuff. 


Misty Williams  26:53

This is a field that’s kind of expanding right before eyes. 


Shivan Sarna  26:56

Exactly, Which is very, very exciting. 


Shivan Sarna  26:59

And I love it when the curiosity of all of our medical detectives that we’ve become, can match up with these new discoveries. 


Shivan Sarna  27:12

And it’s very late, right? We should have been thinking about this for eons, but it’s also super new. So we’ll take it, we got it.


Misty Williams  27:23

Yeah, awesome. Well, we have links to sign up for the summit in the show notes, go to healingrosie.com Just look for this interview with Shivan. And thank you so much sister, for putting this together. 


Misty Williams  27:36

It’s so fascinating and inspiring when we get to gather up all this latest newest research and science and share it with people.


Misty Williams  27:49

That we can leverage it to take the findings and the understandings we glean from it to figure out what we’re going to do for our own situations. 


Misty Williams  27:56

I’ve learned so much from being a host of these events, you get to interview so many people and learn so much and I wish things like this for around a decade ago when my journey started. 


Misty Williams  28:07

There wasn’t a way to get this information at our fingertips. So really inspiring. Thank you for the work that you’re doing and for joining us today.


Shivan Sarna  28:14

Thank you. 


Misty Williams  28:15

All right, we’ll see you guys soon. Bye for now. That’s it for this week’s episode. Thank you for listening. I hope you’re feeling more empowered to overcome your flabby, foggy and fatigue and to reclaim your life. 


Misty Williams  28:27

If you haven’t subscribed yet, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button right now so you don’t miss any of our episodes. We have some awesome shows coming right up. 


Misty Williams  28:35

I love reading your reviews and comments too. They inspire me and encourage other Rosie’s to hang out with us and learn all these amazing strategies for healing and living our best lives. Till next time sister. Bye

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About Misty Williams
& Healing Rosie

Misty Williams spent years struggling to reclaim her health and vitality after surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, life-threatening complications and an endometriosis diagnosis sent her into a brain fog and fatigue tailspin.
Her doctor told her that the only remedies for her issues were drugs and surgeries, that her labs were “normal” and she could “google” to learn more about what was happening to her body.
At 35 years old, Misty embarked on the fight for her quality of life, enduring many more challenges on her road to healing, including an unexplained 45-lb weight gain, debilitating brain fog, fatigue, hypothyroidism, and premature ovarian failure.

She founded HealingRosie.com to provide high-performing women with the resources an community to successfully confront the unexpected chronic health issues that women often experienced as they age.

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