Healing Rosie

Rodger Murphree How to Create Healthy Lungs
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How Do You Create Super Healthy Lungs?

Just how important are our lungs? We don’t pay much attention to our lung health, but the lungs are one of the crucial organs in our body. Whether you’ve only had a mild symptom or you’re still struggling with the long-term effects of COVID, you may have gotten present to the vital role your lungs play in your overall health.

So today, we’re going to explore what we can do to keep our lungs healthy.

Dr. Rodger Murphree is going to give us some insights as to improving our lungs and our breath. You will learn:
    • Why “Survival Paradox” is keeping your body from completely healing
    • Use this sneaky technique to buffer the stress response in your body
    • The simple yet overlooked strategy to overcoming any illness
    • The quickest way to stimulate your parasympathetic system for deep relaxation


3:22 – Why our lungs is our lifeline

3:50 – The motive behind holding a lung summit

4:19 – How Covid is still affecting people even after exposure 

6:04 – The summit is how we protect ourselves from getting chronic infections

7:29 –  The shocking discovery of cell danger theory

8:11 – Why the body goes on survival mode when under too much stress

10:00 – How do you help the body to reset to start healing

13:20 – Why it’s important for the body to breath in order to heal 

15:16 – The importance of meditation and Survival Paradox 

16:24 – Explanation of Survival Paradox

16:58 – The most important thing you need to do when your body is still in survival mode

19:02 – How progesterone steel decreases sex hormones and affects quailty of life

20:22  – How to buffer the stress response in our body

21:49 – Why people with adrenal fatigue are more likely to get Covid

24:01 – The basic yet most overlooked strategy to overcoming any illness

26:19 – Why a sympathetic system overload makes you at risk of fibro flare

27:11 – Two easy breathwork practices you can add to your routine

27:39 – Grounding breathwork that you use to decompress

29:41 – How box breathing can help stimulate your parasympathetic system for deep relaxation 

31:53 – Butekyo breathing technique

resources mentioned


Misty Williams  00:01

Hey, sister, this is misty Williams, founder of healing rosie.com And I’m so excited to welcome you to Rosie radio. Tune in to find clarity, direction and hope for your healing. New episodes drop every Tuesday. 


Misty Williams  00:13

We created this show to empower you to regain control of your life and feel like yourself again. Yes, sister. It is possible.


Misty Williams  00:20

All right, you guys are super excited for another fantastic conversation I’m going to have with my friend Dr. Rodger Murphree. You guys probably remember him from some of the events.


Misty Williams  00:31

 I’ve done in the recent past, especially your best sleep ever, and radical healing detoxes your stress and stressors. Dr. Rodger is known for his work with fibromyalgia patients and autoimmune disease. 


Misty Williams  00:44

fibrodr.com. Am I getting that right? Dr. Rodger, yourfibrodoctor.com is his website. Yep. And he’s doing an event coming up with health talks in October, the super healthy lung Summit. 


Misty Williams  00:57

And I was really intrigued by him doing a lung summit, I haven’t seen a lung event done in our space. And, we’re at a time in history where lots of us are dealing with respiratory issues related to COVID.


Misty Williams  01:14

 But there are a lot of things that can affect this part of our body around our mouth, throat and lungs, right? You guys know, I’ve been healing from mold toxicity and have dealt with all of the things that go along with mold, histamine issues, and cytokines issues.


Misty Williams  01:34

 And, just so much stuff that needs to be cleared out of my body. And we have women in our community who are complaining of things. Ever since I’ve had COVID, I’m not able to exercise at the same intensity that I’ve been able to exercise before, or I’m experiencing shortness of breath. 


Misty Williams  01:45

I remember, actually a colleague of ours, Rodger posting on Facebook, about how she would have trouble just going out for her morning walks like she just couldn’t get enough oxygen into her lungs.


Misty Williams  02:02

 We take our lungs for granted. There’s so many ways that our lung health is a crucial part of being healthy overall. And I think it’s going to be really fantastic to dive into this conversation a little more with you, Dr. Rodger.


Misty Williams  02:16

Because now we’re at a stage where people are post COVID dealing with long haulers, some people are dealing with these subtle symptoms that they feel. 


Misty Williams  02:26

I’m just not the same as my body isn’t quite what it was, I actually have a good friend of mine who has dealt with lots of toxicity and some heart issues. 


Misty Williams  02:38

He’s young. He’s in his 20s. And he is complaining about doing lots of healing things, lots and lots of stuff. And in fact, he even went to FDA and got his own certification with Reed’s Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. 


Misty Williams  02:51

Because he was really committed to the health of his body. But the one piece that hasn’t quite dialed in for him is his ability to mountain climb, which is one of his favorite things, he gets out on his exercise or on his hike.


Misty Williams  03:05

And after a period of 20 or 30 minutes, he finds it really hard to continue because he’s really challenged with breathing. 


Misty Williams  03:15

So , this is one of those, you don’t care about it. Topics, and I’m really looking forward to diving into this. So I would love for you just to start off telling us a little bit about why you decided to do an event on super healthy lungs. 


Misty Williams  03:31

Well, if you think about it, you can live weeks without food, you can live days without water, but try to go more than a few minutes without breathing. So air, air is our lifeblood. 


Misty Williams  03:46

And it’s our window to the outside world. And we take for granted that we can take these 12 breaths per minute and we can feed our body with the oxygen that it needs to work like it’s supposed to.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  03:59

You asked me why? What was the motivation for the super healthy lung Summit, and I’ll be quite candid with you. Part of it was no one’s talking about lung health.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  04:09

 And then in the functional medicine space, which is the kind of practice that I’ve been practicing for 30 years. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  04:14

And I saw this as an opportunity not only to share about how to have healthy lungs, but to incorporate some of the challenges that we have right now, which you’ve already mentioned.  In particular COVID. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  04:26

COVID is still raising its ugly head and the stats show that up to 30% of people who get exposed to COVID. Who actually have a positive infection may not even have any symptoms even,


Dr. Rodger Murphree  04:39

but come down with long haul of COVID which means they have symptoms, six months after they’ve been infected with the virus and as a Fibromyalgia specialist. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  04:51

What I’m seeing is we’re going to have an explosion of these kinds of medical misfit diagnoses. People who really don’t know where to go and get help. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  05:02

But that’s what we see. With Fibro, we see that with chronic fatigue syndrome.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  05:06

 But the symptoms of long haul or syndrome are very similar to what you’d see with fibromyalgia. And then the other motivating factor is that I know what it’s like to struggle to breathe. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  05:17

So childhood asthma, once every year or two, I’d be hospitalized. They carried me off the football field, having an asthmatic attack, or had an ammonia, something that would get me to the ER and get me, unfortunately, hospitalized because I couldn’t breathe. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  05:33

And it’s a terrible feeling not to be able to get that breath. He’s struggling to breathe. But if you’ve never had it, I hope you never do. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  05:41

But just as painful not to be able to get a rift is to see both your parents struggle as I did, to see my parents get a breath, I lost my dad to lung cancer. And several years ago, and six months later, I lost my mom to COPD, right after my dad. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  06:01

So it’s a summit that incorporates a lot of things that people are talking about. But the summit really focuses on how do we protect ourselves from getting chronic infections?.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  06:16

 How do we protect ourselves from mold toxicity, mass cell activation syndrome, histamine dominance. I mean, these are some of the underlying triggers for many of the diseases that we see out there.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  06:30

 And they’re being treated with prescription medications, when really the underlying causes of the symptoms are not being addressed.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  06:40

 So I think it’s going to be a great Summit, we’ve got some wonderful folks that are sharing their expertise. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  06:47

And it was a lot of fun to put together. So I’m looking forward to sharing it with the world.


Misty Williams  06:52

So I would love for you just to kind of unpack maybe some of the learnings from this event, every time I do an event, once I’ve finished because I’ve had 30, 40, 50 amazing conversations where I get downloads, right? 


Misty Williams  07:08

From all these people. I would love for you to share with us some of your favorite interviews, like what did you learn as Dr. Rodger Murphree doing these interviews with people?


Dr. Rodger Murphree  07:21

Yeah, that’s a great question. I think the most profound interview, there’s actually two of them. And there were some great interviews that were very entertaining, as well as informative. I wanted it to be fun. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  07:33

But two interviews, in particular one with Dr. Eric Gordon, who was very humble, he shared in the interview that he didn’t create the sale danger theory, but he was right there next to the person who did Dr. Robert Nebo. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  07:51

I always mispronounce his name. But the Cell Danger theory is, to me it’s a paradigm shifter. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  07:59

So being in functional medicine for 30 years specializing in chronic diseases, like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome for 22 years writing books and articles, lecturing all over the world on these topics.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  08:12

 And it’s a challenge working with these individuals. And one of the things that really now has changed, the way I look at my patients is realizing that when the body gets under too much stress, something that I talk quite a bit about, but it goes into a survival mode. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  08:31

And what that can mean different things to different people, but you can take away what is the trigger. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  08:37

So if it is a case in point, someone has a food allergy, just keep it simple, they have a food allergy to dairy.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  08:43

 Anytime they eat dairy, they get congestion, they might get at risk of chronic sinus infections, but they have lung problems where they wheeze and all this kind of stuff that we see with an allergic reaction. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  08:57

So you take away the dairy and you think, Okay, we’ve solved the problem. But they still have all the symptoms that you saw previously, even though they’re off dairy. And what has happened is their body has gone into a survival mode. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  09:13

So now, it doesn’t matter, you took away the trigger, what’s triggering it now is they have not reset.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  09:21

 The body’s not reset itself, it still feels it’s in danger. Because it’s not getting enough sleep. It’s not getting the right nutrients that it needs. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  09:31

It’s exposed to toxins, whether that’s mold, toxins, or pollution or whatever it is. And the cell danger theory changes the way as a clinician.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  09:41

 I think that you can do everything you need to do to fix the underlying what you think is the underlying cars. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  09:49

And yet, they still are not healthy because until the body resets itself and gets out of this survival mode.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  09:59

 You’re not going to see them improve? And that sounds really simplistic. And when I asked Dr. Gordon, I said, Well, I said, Well, how do you do that? 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  10:10

 I’m thinking, what are the supplements to help somebody reset. So they’re not under this where they think their body’s breaking down. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  10:17

And there’s really only a couple other things. But really, it’s all about just taking care of yourself. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  10:27

It’s about getting the proper rest, staying hydrated, getting the right foods in your body, trying to restrict yourself from the toxins that you’re breathing in, or the things you’re taking in your foods. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  10:40

It’s the basic things that we that people talked about, that you talked about, I talked about that it really put it in a light where I finally realized, oh, that’s why some of my patients don’t respond until we clean the data up.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  10:56

 Finally, they finally do this right. And that’s it, or they finally are sleeping through the night and Okay, now we see dramatic improvement. So to me, it was a game changer.


Misty Williams  11:06

Yeah. So what’s coming up for me, as I’m listening to you talk about this is a lot of really fabulous interviews that I’ve also had with people talking about the parasympathetic nervous system. 


Misty Williams  11:17

Yeah. And breathwork. Yeah, as someone who is a chronic overachiever, and who tends to be in a more sympathetic state, during the day with my work with all the responsibility that I feel morally obligated to take, I’m laughing, so I don’t cry. 


Misty Williams  11:37

One of the things that I’ve had to do is figure out how to support my nervous system into shifting from being in this sympathetic dominant state to a more parasympathetic state.


Misty Williams  11:50

 One of the things that I realized and I see it, and we can really see it with our phones, right? 


Misty Williams  11:55

Or with technology, but we get in these places where our gears get stuck in this really sympathetic state, and the body is not able to automatically transition over.


Misty Williams  12:08

 So there’s this thing called parasympathetic tone. It’s like muscle tone. Right? It’s this toning that happens in our nervous system from lots of use, right? 


Misty Williams  12:21

How do we build this parasympathetic tone, this is really important. If you’re dealing with chronic disease of any kind, really, if you’re dealing with autoimmune disease.


Misty Williams  12:28

 If you’re dealing with mold toxicity, I’ve been dealing with, we have to think about shifting our body into a parasympathetic state more than we’re in a sympathetic state and really rebuilding this tone.


Misty Williams  12:40

Because all the supplements in the world are not going to fix a body that doesn’t know how to relax, rest, repair, rejuvenate, restore, right?


Misty Williams  12:52

 You can’t out supplement that. So breathwork is something that I have been incorporating into my routines, I do breath work in the morning with my meditation.


Misty Williams  13:01

 I start with two minutes of breath work before I meditate. And then I end with two minutes of breath work.


Misty Williams  13:05

 But I actually found myself. I can feel when I’m amped, right, I find I need to breathe. And really working on breathing. 


Misty Williams  13:12

It’s such a hugely important part of this conversation. I think lung health is so important, because our breathing actually helps regulate our parasympathetic nervous system or attacking between the two right when we are breathing is heightened. 


Misty Williams  13:30

And we’ve got more beats per minute, happening with our heart and we’re breathing heavier, we are in a more sympathetic state, and when our breathing slows.


Misty Williams  13:39

And we’re breathing through our nose and doing certain things that put us into a parasympathetic state, so this conversation is so hugely important to the overall healing conversation. 


Misty Williams  13:48

Because without breath, work and breathing and having healthy lungs that can breathe, you’re kind of castrating your body’s ability to heal because of how it ties into the parasympathetic nervous system.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  14:02

interesting you bring that out because I’ve always focused on the micro nutrients, I like focusing on the biochemistry. That’s my thing I love talking to. I’m a biochemistry nerd.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  14:14

 So I like to talk about amino acids and essential fatty acids and COq10. And all these enzymes that make the body work like it’s supposed to. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  14:23

And I tend to forget sometimes about the importance of the basics which are a healthy diet and in stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system, calming everything down. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  14:36

Now I’m like you have meditated for, I don’t know how many decades, for quite a long time, and I tend to forget about the importance of sharing that with my patients. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  14:49

Part of that is thinking that what I’ve done has always worked with these combinations of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and the 10. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  15:00

Seeing all this fun stuff that I love to do, it works. And it works very well, even for very complicated patients. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  15:07

But having said that, what I’ve learned from this summit, from Eric Gordon, who talked about the cell danger theory, is the importance of meditation. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  15:19

The other person, Dr. Isaac Elias, and he wrote a book called The survival paradox, similar in the idea that the body is overreacting and starts to shut down as a survival mechanism when it gets under too much stress.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  15:38

 And part of what happens is, your body’s releasing a chemical called galactic three. Now, I won’t go into all the details, because I’ll spoil the interview. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  15:47

But the paradigm shifter for me in this interview was that you can do everything right that I know that have worked for 22 years, from the most difficult people you can imagine. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  15:59

It’s worked, and yet you do everything right, and they still don’t get well. And the problem  has not been acknowledged until now till he’s come up to share this research.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  16:14

 Part of the problem is when the body goes into this survival paradox. It has chemicals, this galactic three that shields or hides, cancer cells, inflammatory chemicals, mold, toxins, it’s like this good as biofilm. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  16:31

You’ve I’m sure biofilm, you’ve had people talk about that on your podcast, and in summits you’ve done.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  16:37

But this new technology, or this new way of thinking, allows me to realize that, okay, I can do everything, right.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  16:47

 But if the body is still in this survival mode, it’s not going to take hold. So there’s protocols that we talked about in the interview, how to get around that, but the most important thing is, guess what?


Dr. Rodger Murphree  17:04

 Meditation. Yeah. And that’s what Eric and Isaac, both of them are big meditators. In fact, Isaac has studied with the Buddhist monks in Tibet.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  17:15

He’s, trained in Tibetan medicine as well as conventional medicine.And, I’m asking, I’m trying to put him on the spot. Okay, well, because I’m thinking, what am I doing?


Dr. Rodger Murphree  17:24

 Because I’ve got a dozen patients, I’m thinking, Okay, well, and, she’s better. She’s this, this and this, but we’re still what?


Dr. Rodger Murphree  17:31

 So I’m trying to get him to give me what is the one thing we can do. He meditate. Meditate. So it keeps coming back to, it’s like an old interview.


Misty Williams  17:43

The resistance we have to that isn’t real, it’s too simple. It’s just shows as a society, how conditioned we are, to do do do and not want to heal. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  17:53

Even as a functional practitioner, I just want to recommend the right supplements. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  17:58

And he’s, one of my mentors Wayne Dyer, I remember him talking about a conversation he had with Deepak Chopra, 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  18:07

He was telling him all the troubles he had, always seeing things going on and trying to make decisions with his kids and his family, and everything was going on in this business.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  18:16

 And Deepak would just keep saying, just meditate on it. Just meditate. Just meditate. And that was his answer, over and over again. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  18:25

And, that’s really pretty dadgum solid advice is, just get back in tune with your body and your mind and your spirit. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  18:35

And just doing that. Oftentimes, it will set you free of whatever this chronic thing that’s really ailing you. It’s just the body that wants to be healthy.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  18:46

 It just needs some help sometimes. And sometimes, that’s just slowing everything down.


Misty Williams  18:52

And so there’s this phenomenon that we talked about, in the accelerator with the ladies that I’m doing lots of one on one, we’re really going deep.


Misty Williams  18:59

 We talked about this in the healing rosie Facebook group too. And there’s this phenomenon called pregnenolone, steel, or progesterone, steel, right? 


Misty Williams  19:08

What happens for all of us, when we’re dealing with these toxic stressors in our body is our immune systems on high alert, right? 


Misty Williams  19:17

We’re producing more cortisol, because our body’s in a really stressed state, and we have to have a buffer for that, right? So we are producing more cortisol. 


Misty Williams  19:28

And to produce more cortisol, what our body does is it takes the pregnenolone that we’re making, or even the progesterone and instead of creating our sex hormones, we create more cortisol.


Misty Williams  19:40

 And it’s this loop this feedback loop constantly, where we’re constantly the stressors are always there. 


Misty Williams  19:48

So there’s this need for the cortisol and then our body as our adrenals, tickle our thyroid and thyroid plus LDL cholesterol plus vitamin A makes that pregnant. alone, right? It just all gets stolen. 


Misty Williams  20:03

When we don’t have our sex hormones, it affects our quality of life in a really deep way, especially for women, and it affects men too. 


Misty Williams  20:10

But women, our bodies seem to be more sensitive to this. And one of the ways that we can buffer that stress response in our system is to intentionally put our bodies in a parasympathetic state.


Misty Williams  20:28

Because the very act of that puts less of a demand that shifts your body from being in this constant stress state into a less stress state, the stresses are still there, that your parasympathetic nervous system is really powerful, right? 


Misty Williams  20:42

So, of course, there’s supplements that you can take. And of course, there’s things you can do to overall support the body from a biochemical perspective. 


Misty Williams  20:52

But there is nothing more powerful than the body’s innate systems and the parasympathetic nervous system to actually help us to heal. 


Misty Williams  21:01

So this is a really powerful conversation. I hope people are really being introspective about how they’re approaching their own healing and how they’re approaching this journey and making time for the thing that’s going to move the needle the most, right? 


Misty Williams  21:16

We’re spending so much money working with these practitioners, doing these protocols, where we’re buying saunas for our homes, we’re investing all this stuff in healing. 


Misty Williams  21:26

And if we don’t get this fundamental basic piece, dialed in. We’re castrating ourselves.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  21:35

You look at the fact of COVID, let’s talk about COVID, just a minute. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  21:39

And what we see in the COVID is the folks to me that are looking at this for the last couple of years, that are most at risk are by individuals that are really, really rundown.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  21:49

 And part of that is having a drain of what this thing called adrenal fatigue, you’re, you’ve been under stress for a number of years, and now your body just really cannot handle any more stress. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  21:59

So now you’re really vulnerable, your immune systems already kind of compromised your rundown. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  22:03

Those are the individuals that are more likely to get COVID and have symptoms that lag, they can continue afterwards. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  22:12

Along COVID Yeah, and I’m guilty, this, I mean, I’ve just shared this, but for a number of years, I’ve I don’t want to say it this way, because it makes me sound terrible, but my brain is a little tired. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  22:21

So I don’t know how else to say it. But I look down at my colleagues’ nature pass, sometimes because they look at the big picture, drink enough water, all these things that they have healthy hygiene, that bores me to death. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  22:41

And yet, and I know this, because I see some of my colleagues that are natural paths that are sharing this. Their clients are doing amazing.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  22:52

 And I’ve always thought, well. I really don’t have to do that, because I have all the biochemistry down. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  22:59

But after going through these interviews in the summit, it just made me realize, Misty, that the importance of sharing with my patients the basics, because this is stuff I do every day, I don’t think, I just get jaded to it. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  23:13

But it really is so important to do the basic stuff. And you’re right. I mean, I think people were spending a lot of money on products and gadgets. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  23:25

I mean, it’s great. But it’s what I tell my patients the only way to overcome whatever this illness is really no matter what we give the name is to get healthy. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  23:38

Now that means different things to different people. But the only way to get healthy and stay healthy is you’ve got to have a healthy diet. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  23:46

You can’t out run and an unhealthy diet is going to catch up with you. It may take 20, 30, 40, 50 years, but all healing takes place at the cell, the cellular level. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  24:01

And if you’re not feeding that cell with healthy nutrients, and a healthy nervous system, that’s not overloaded with stress and angst and all the things that are bombarding us right now with all the stressors.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  24:16

 It’s not going to be healthy. So you have to do these basic things. And they can have dramatic effects that you couldn’t get from doing all these other things, cancer, talking to national winners, Susan did an interview with her often at the  Summit.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  24:34

 And a big part of it is mindset. And we hear that but we get so jaded to it. This whole thing about psycho neuro immunology, where your nervous system is tied into your brain, it’s tied into your gut and tied into every cell in the body. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  24:49

And one of the ways to make sure you nurture that is to meditate and have quiet time to journal, do affirmations all the things that allow Your Body to be able to these different systems to connect with one another. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  25:04

And not to be at odds with each other because of all the stress you’re being placed under either real or imagined, right?


Misty Williams  25:11

Yeah, yeah. Do you incorporate breathwork into your practice?


Dr. Rodger Murphree  25:16

I am now and so I had Jane Hogan. I don’t know if Jane just finished a summit here recently the pain Summit, great Summit. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  25:24

And I was at one of her interviews. But most people, and I didn’t realize this, but most people are shallow breathers. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  25:33

So they’re breathing from here up. And she did this whole exercise, about how long you can hold your breath. And I was terrible.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  25:44

 I was terrible. Even though I meditate. And I do breath work. I thought, oh my gosh, I’m really not doing it the right way. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  25:53

So yes, I do do breath work, but I’m getting better. And you asked me to share it with my patients.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  25:57

I am now every new patient that I take on. I’m sharing with them how to do the breath work, because of fibromyalgia, which is mostly who I take care of. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  26:08

They’re on sympathetic overload. So their nervous system is overloaded. Everything is magnified, stressors, stimulation, bright lights, loud noises, changes in the weather, it just sets them off. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  26:21

And until they activate, as you mentioned, their parasympathetic nervous system, they’re always at risk of having a thing called a fibro flare where all their symptoms get brought up to the surface and become heightened.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  26:35

So yes, thank you for asking and allow me to share. I really believe that breathing work. Just knowing how to breathe properly is fundamental for having optimal health.


Misty Williams  26:47

Yeah, so I want to share two things I do since we’re having this conversation. I want this to be accessible to everyone listening, right?


Misty Williams  26:55

 This idea of breathwork, especially as you’re hearing this conversation, if it’s lighting you up, if something inside of you is saying.


Misty Williams  27:01

 I need to know more about this. This is probably the missing piece to my practice. I want you to know two kinds of breath work that I do that are super easy.


Misty Williams  27:08

 I do them every day with my meditation, I also do them before I’m moving into a space where I need to give a lot. 


Misty Williams  27:16

So Dr. Roger, you told me that two days of working with patients you just finished right? So depleting. 


Misty Williams  27:22

When I’m getting ready to get on the call with my ladies in the healing Rosie accelerator or getting ready to do a big interview somewhere. 


Misty Williams  27:29

I always do a little bit of what I call grounding breathwork is really like a purge of whatever you’re feeling energeticall., Whatever you’re carrying, whatever has gotten you worked up for the day, whatever it’s been consuming. 


Misty Williams  27:44

Like, I just need to clear it. And really get grounded and settle myself. This is a powerful strategy, I find myself doing this a lot.


Misty Williams  27:51

 And you actually don’t need very many of these breaths. If something has you worked up, I need to get a hold of myself and get back in my body. 


Misty Williams  27:59

Right? I do. Really simple breathing, where I’m inhaling, sometimes I see people inhale through their mouth, sometimes through their nose, I tend to do it through my nose. But you could do it either way. 


Misty Williams  28:12

And then give big open drops, letting all the air out. So I’m just going to demonstrate it. If you want to do with it you can Dr. Rodger, but I just want to demonstrate how easy this is to do.


Misty Williams  28:22

 Okay, so while we do and you’re filling your belly, like you were saying, watch when you breathe in. 


Misty Williams  28:33

You don’t want to breathe shallow into your lungs up top or on your chest, you want to breathe into your belly. 


Misty Williams  28:38

So take a deep breath. Just let it out. I did that for two minutes before I meditated. Just ground. It’s like a very cleansing breath. 


Misty Williams  28:51

But I also do it when I get really pissed off at Roderick, and I’m spun up. Not his fault necessarily doesn’t matter, right? I’ve worked up when I’ve experienced something, maybe I’ve read something that just really has given me a charge. 


Misty Williams  29:04

 I’ve had a conversation with someone and I can just tell I’m not walking away from that situation. I am carrying the energy of it with me. 


Misty Williams  29:11

So it’s just as a real cleansing breathe in, drop the breath out. And the other one that’s really helpful is box breathing. You might box breathe yourself, Dr. Rodger, because I hear everyone talking about box breathing. 


Misty Williams  29:24

What’s really powerful about box breathing is it very specifically stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. It is for deep relaxation. It’s an excellent practice to do right before you go to bed. 


Misty Williams  29:37

So if you’re one of these people that gets spun up, I’m having a hard time shutting my brain off, maybe you work late in the day, you’ve worked a later shift or something and it’s close to bedtime.


Misty Williams  29:47

You need that transition time or I really need to go to bed right now because I’ve got to get up but my body is just not ready. Box breathing is really powerful.


Misty Williams  29:55

 So I’ve seen a lot of my male counterparts demonstrate box breathing with a count of five, but it’s a little bit too much for me. 


Misty Williams  30:03

So we’re going to do a count of four. But box breathing as you inhale for four, hold it for four, exhale for four, hold it for four, super simple. 


Misty Williams  30:14

And it can be whatever count feels comfortable to you. Someone might say I just want to do three, or if you want to do five, or if you have big lung capacity, you’re really developing that lung capacity, you’re just talking about Dr. Rodger, you might do six, right?


Misty Williams  30:26

 I don’t know that the number of seconds is as important as you’re just doing it consistently through each step of the process. 


Misty Williams  30:34

So we’re going to breathe in. Hold for four, out for four. Hold for four. Super easy, super easy in for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four, it’s a really great way just to really put you into relaxation.


Misty Williams  30:59

It’s great to do before bed. But I wanted people to have a couple of examples. This is a powerful conversation we’re having here about the importance of the breath. 


Misty Williams  31:07

And I want you to walk away with like, here’s what I can do with this. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  31:11

For those of you that are doing this exercise, how many of you notice just focusing on your breathing calms you down? 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  31:18

That’s how powerful just focusing on whether you’re doing it right or wrong, just focusing on your breathing. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  31:23

And that’s how Meditation really is; it doesn’t have to be complicated. People think, oh, gosh, I gotta sit in a certain position, I got your eyes chanting. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  31:32

You don’t have to do all that. I mean, there’s so many different forms of meditation, it’s just focusing on your breathing. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  31:38

Now, Jane, she shared with me the ensuited opinion about the new Buteyko. The Buteyko breathing, are you familiar with that form now? 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  31:49

The 444. Okay, you should be able to get to 20, hold, exhale, and wait 20 seconds, and then inhale and get there should be these 22nd intervals, you should be able to count to  20.  I didn’t make it to 20. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  32:06

So I could get up to 12. And that’s as far as I can get. Now I’m really trying to work on it  but as you show what I mean, you want to make sure when you’re breathing. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  32:16

And ideally you’re breathing into your nose because that filters everything that’s ideal. So you’re breathing in and when you breathe in through your nose, what you see as your stomach should come out. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  32:27

Okay, you should have your diaphragm coming up so their stomach should come hell potbelly, like Buddha. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  32:35

And then when you exhale, what you should see now you’re sucking your stomach in at your umbilical cord, okay, your belly button.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  32:42

 And that’s how you really get that deep breath, that healing breath. But most people are shallow breathers, a lot of times, they’re breathing to their mouth.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  32:52

 And you’re always in that sympathetic flight mode when you breathe like that. So that’s what you just shared.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  33:00

I mean, it’s so simple. So simple. That’s so simple. Let’stalk about the soccer ball, you need 17 different nutrients for a Kochi pan to work, especially if you’re taking a statin or tricyclic drug or a beta blocker.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  33:16

We all think that’s great too. But what you just showed, could turn somebody from having a panic attack into this calming down just like that. It’s that quick. It’s that powerful.


Misty Williams  33:26

We were not taught in Western society to be so self governed. Growing up, I remember being in all sorts of stressful family situations. 


Misty Williams  33:38

There was never a musty breath, take a deep breath, like how do I regulate my nervous system as a six year old? Right? 


Misty Williams  33:47

Yeah, we don’t think of ourselves as having that kind of power over our being, our autonomy, our bodies, we were conditioned in so many ways to look outside of ourselves for the answers. 


Misty Williams  34:02

And, not that looking outside of ourselves doesn’t have something to offer us because I mean, certainly it’s been life changing for me, I’ve learned things that were definitely not inside my own knowledge. 


Misty Williams  34:14

But one of the things that we do have a lot of control over is our nervous system. It feels like other things are controlling it, but it’s only because we haven’t really learned, been taught, practiced, or regulated our own nervous system, but we all can do it. 


Misty Williams  34:35

If you’re a person who’s struggling with panic attacks, or depression or you feel a lot of anxiety or overwhelm. It is unreal what breathwork can do for you. 


Misty Williams  34:47

And I’m certainly not trying to minimize these situations or circumstances that people find themselves in by just saying Just breathe. 


Misty Williams  34:56

but to minimize breathing and its role is to basically cut you off from the thing that you have the most power to control so breath work is powerful and tying it into this conversation about our lungs and our lung health.


Misty Williams  35:12

 I can just see so many ribbons of truth. And without good lung function, just look at how it affects your nervous system in such a deep way.


Misty Williams  35:23

I can’t imagine being someone who has to struggle around breathing and catching a breath, if we know how powerful that is to regulate our parasympathetic nervous system, and then to be cut off from being able to do that is a big deal.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  35:39

Yeah. Yeah. So, if you look at, if you go on Amazon, you look at functional medicine books on asthma, you’re not gonna find any. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  35:52

Kind of mind boggling that there’s not that much out there about maintaining and keeping healthy lungs


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:00

Yet, as we’ve already shared I mean, try to go four minutes without breathing and see what happens.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:07

 I mean, you’re gonna get in trouble pretty quick. So I’m really excited about the summit. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:12

And I think that, as I mentioned earlier, the interviews are both very informative, but they’re also entertaining. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:20

There’s some stuff that came out of those, and I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna tip my hand. So we have some pros and cons about COVID. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:28

We have some different ways of thinking. I’m in the middle. And I hope I did a good job of staying in the middle. 


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:36

Because I think one of the big challenges for COVID is what we’ve seen over the last couple of years, became political, and then Who do you believe?


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:45

 So that’s been the big challenge for me is I have to try to do the best I can to stay on top of it, because of my patients who are so vulnerable.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:54

They’re looking to me to give them the answer, should they do this or not do this. So it’s been a real challenge.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  36:59

 But some of the interviews that I had, I think, do a really good job of sharing different thoughts. And, just have to see what resonates with you and then make the decision. 


Misty Williams  37:11

Yeah,I love it. Well, you guys need to definitely catch this event. If you go to heal. rosie.com look for my interview with Dr. Roger, and the link to the super healthy lung summit will be in our show notes. 


Misty Williams  37:23

You should all sign up. Everyone sign up and participate in this awesome event. Let’s all learn a little bit more about our lung health.


Misty Williams  37:31

 If you’re dealing with some of these symptoms of lung COVID, someone all of us know, people, I think that are dealing with lung COVID. Even if it’s not us directly. 


Misty Williams  37:41

It is really great cutting edge, hot off the press, science and insights into what we can do to really help and empower ourselves.


Misty Williams  37:49

 And if you’re someone who has dealt with mold, toxicity, lots of infections, if you’re dealing with food allergies, or environmental toxins, or any of these things.


Misty Williams  38:01

 These toxic exposures have been challenging for a lot of us to uncover. We can’t overlook the role of our lung health in our overall well being.


Misty Williams  38:14

 So this is a really fascinating area that you’ve uncovered for us, Dr. Roger, and I’m super excited for everyone to tune in.


Dr. Rodger Murphree  38:20

Well, thank you, Misty. I mean, you’re always delighted to talk to me, and I really appreciate your support and enthusiasm. So thank you so much.


Misty Williams  38:28

Yeah. All right, everybody, go sign up and we’ll talk to you soon. Bye for now. That’s it for this week’s episode.


Misty Williams  38:35

 Thank you for listening. I hope you’re feeling more empowered to overcome your flabby, foggy and fatigue and to reclaim your life.


Misty Williams  38:41

 If you haven’t subscribed yet, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button right now so you don’t miss any of our episodes. We have some awesome shows coming right up. I love reading your reviews and comments too. 


Misty Williams  38:51

They inspire me and encourage other Rosie’s to hang out with us and learn all these amazing strategies for healing and living our best lives. Till next time sister. Bye

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About Misty Williams
& Healing Rosie

Misty Williams spent years struggling to reclaim her health and vitality after surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, life-threatening complications and an endometriosis diagnosis sent her into a brain fog and fatigue tailspin.
Her doctor told her that the only remedies for her issues were drugs and surgeries, that her labs were “normal” and she could “google” to learn more about what was happening to her body.
At 35 years old, Misty embarked on the fight for her quality of life, enduring many more challenges on her road to healing, including an unexplained 45-lb weight gain, debilitating brain fog, fatigue, hypothyroidism, and premature ovarian failure.

She founded HealingRosie.com to provide high-performing women with the resources an community to successfully confront the unexpected chronic health issues that women often experienced as they age.

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